Program Policy Analyst 4
UC ANR1111 Franklin St.
11th floor
Oakland, CA 94607-5200

Ph.D. Geography, University of California, Davis. 2021
M.S. Community Development, University of California, Davis. 2013
GeographyAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Sociological and Technological Change Affecting Individuals, Families, and Communities
- Community Development
- Food System Assessments/Policy
- Urban Agriculture/Local and Regional Food Systems
Peer Reviewed
- Sedell, Jennifer (2021). No fly zone? Spatializing regimes of perceptibility, uncertainty, and the ontological fight over quarantine pests in California. Geoforum. 123, 162-172.
- Thomas, C.; Ruiz, E. A., et al. (2019). Being Honors Worthy: Lessons in Supporting Transfer Students. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council. 20, 79-105.
- Thomas, Carolyn; Sedell, Jennifer (2018). Improving Student Learning through Faculty Empathy in a Hybrid Course Community. Liberal Education. 104:3, 48-55.
- Thomas, Carolyn; Sedell, Jennifer, et al. (2016). Abundance, Control and 'Water! Water! Water!' The Work of Eating at Work. Food, Culture & Society. 19:2, 251-271.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Sedell, Jennifer (2023). Evaluation of USDA-HEC Grant, “Modernizing agricultural education through community-based, culturally responsive experiential learning". Prepared for the UC Davis Student Farm in compliance with United States Department of Agriculture.
- Zalom, Frank; Grieshop, James, et al. (2013). Community Perceptions of Emergency Responses to Invasive Species in California: Case Studies of the Light Brown Apple Moth and European Grapevine Moth. prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services by cooperative agreement with University of California, Davis.