The Impacts of COVID-19 on Water Security and Environmental Justice
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Thursday, 2 December, 2021
08:00-10:00 AM Pacific Standard Time
Objective: Explore the scope and distribution of water related financial burdens caused by the COVID pandemic and subsequent economic hardship. The pandemic has impacted water district financing, consumer water affordability and in some cases availability. These impacts are unevenly distributed across populations and regions. We will hear from the utility, consumer, environmental justice and tribal perspectives on how the pandemic has impacted lives and businesses. In addition, we will hear about new opportunities that the crises, and subsequent government actions, may have created.
07:55 Zoom Room Opens
08:00 Welcome
Soroosh Sorooshian, Forum Chair and Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth System Science, University of California Irvine
Session moderated by: Andrea Gerlak, School of Geography & Development, University of Arizona
8:10 Water Equity, Access, and Affordability in the US - Zoë Roller, Water Equity Fellow, US Water Alliance [abstract/bio]
8:20 Water Equity in Action - California's Journey to a Human Right to Water - Joaquin Esquivel, Chair, California State Resources Water Control Board [abstract/bio]
8:30 Building Trust and Advancing Equity at Philadelphia Water - Glen Abrams, Deputy Commissioner, Communications and Engagement, Philadelphia Water Department [abstract/bio]
8:40 Indigenous Food, Energy and Water Security and Sovereignty during COVID-19 - Karletta Chief, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Arizona [abstract/bio]
8:50 Panel Discussion
Moderated by: Andrea Gerlak, School of Geography & Development University of Arizona
9:30 Q&A
Moderated by: Doug Parker, UC ANR California Institute for Water Resources
9:55 Wrap up and Adjourn