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Amond or Almond? You decide!
Have you ever farmed almonds, worked in the almond industry, or are just a huge fan of almonds? Then you've most likely heard that there are two ways of pronouncing the word "almond," and you've probably even gotten into arguments with friends, family members and co-workers on how they are saying it wrong. Well, both pronunciations are technically correct and are both listed in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. We want to find out why people pronounce "almond" a certain way, and determine geographic boundaries where certain pronunciations are used. You can help us out by filling out this quick survey! Even if you didn't know there was more than one way of pronouncing "almond," fill it out anyway! We need your input too!
Learn more about the project by clicking below:
Amond vs Almond: a California Colloquialism in a Nutshell
Amond/Almond California Map
This interactive map was created by UC ANR's Informatics and GIS Program and uses the results from the survey above to pinpoint all of the "almond" and "amond" areas in California! If you want your pronunciation on the map, TAKE THE SURVEY!
Almond Publications
Take a look at UCANR's peer-reviewed publications on almonds!
Spread the word!
Share this survey with your friends so we can fill out the map!
Let's find the lines between "Ahmond Country" and "Almond Country!"