Blogs Blogs Blogs

Apr 28, 2008

ANR Blogs
It seems the ANR Blogs are making a big splash. With much interest in blogging, I finally had some time to make some finishing touches (for now) on the Blog system which some have been asking about. I've pulled out all the stops and put into the system a nice Archive list and the ability to add tags to posts. Right away I discovered that the "Post Archive" is great for seeing how active a blog may be. For some it is painful to see last updated over a year ago! Ouch! For others it is nice to see a long list of posts each month. For the most Posted to Blog check out, Jeannette Warnert's ANR News Blog. With 200 posts since April 2007. That roughly 15.38 posts a month or one every 2 days! No this is not an award of any kind, though if it helped people to post more maybe we could start having awards. Most creative Blog, most innovative use of a Blog, most reliable Blog; are just a few ideas. Along the same lines I've also added a fun reminder system to the Blogs. After a blog has been "idle" with no posts for 3 months, it is automatically deleted... Just kidding!!! I wonder if I scared a few of you out there? Actually I wonder who reads this Blog... You know you can leave comments to these innovative posts... Ok, back to the subject... After 3 months of no Posts the Blog owner gets sent a fun e-mail asking them to post and keep their blog up. These get sent out once a week. For those too busy to post they will notice not all the e-mail's are the same. Some may want to collect them, but I doubt they will be worth anything one day.

Something that is much more valuable is tagging your posts! A tag is like a category, label, or term that can be used to help describe what a post is about. So when making a post you can add as many tags as you like to help categorize the posts. Say I'm writing a story about growing grapes in the winter (unlikely I know but I'm a programmer not a grower) you can add the tags "grapes,winter,viticulture" and so on... Separate each one with a comma and that's it! Well there's more but that's all for adding the tags. Once the tags are added the "Tag List" link will show you all the tags listed in both alphabetical order and in the order of most used to least used. Also at the bottom of each post you will see the tags for the post if there are any available. Each tag may be clicked on to see all the posts in the Blog using that tag. So Tags are the to help you organize your posts and to help others find information in your blog faster. Don't forget to look at the tags I've added to this post.

That's it for today. Until next time... Blog Away!