New Feature

Jul 17, 2008

The Giant Spider Invasion (poster)
I would like to announce a New Feature! Not a new feature some of us grew used to going to the drive-in or movie theater to see the latest and greatest horror or sci-fi movie. No this new feature (we hope) will blow your socks off and is what everyone has been waiting for. At least all those with Sitebuilder sites! Oooh, the first clue! Now that your fingers are all tingling with the excitement of anticipation. I would like to take a moment to say this would not be possible without Dave and Karl who also work on Sitebulder to make it happen. So what is this new fandangled feature? It's a mix of two flavors. In one hand take the blog you are reading right now, in the other hand take Sitebuilder (some of you may have guessed that already). Mash the two together and you get something like this:

Web Action Team Site
WAT Home Page

I agree with you, very cool indeed!!! Now you may be asking how do I do this with my blog and my Sitebuilder site? But wait it get's better because some of you are thinking... I have 5 blogs that I want in my Sitebuilder site. Can I do that? Yes you can! Here's how!!!

1) Log into your Sitebuilder site
2) Go to "Edit Home Page"
3) On the right hand menu you will see the "Blog Options" section from there select "manage" and you should see something like this:


Example screen from Sitebuilder admin page.

From the sample you can see the "Web Action Team" blog is active on the site. To select more simply click on "Add Blog to my Site" to remove the Blog from your site click "remove blog". Add all the Blogs your heart desires, remove all the Blogs your heart desires. It's that simple!

There are a few other options that are available but that can be left until next time. Until then I hope this "New Feature" is better then the old!

By Bryon J. Noel
Author - Lead Programmer