Blog Changes

Apr 22, 2011

The ANR Blogs have seen quite a few more changes this week in both the administration area and the public side. In the Administration area we've changed the main section of the page from lists of links to more informative view of your Blog. The new view shows the number of posts on your blog, number of comments, comments waiting to be approved, stats from the past month, and more. There are also links to each of these summarized areas to see them in greater detail or deal with moderation needs. The Administration area is in it's infancy stages and will be going through several changes / additions before the final form is settled upon.

Image: New Blog Administration Home Page
New Administration Home

One nicety that was added was the ability to delete all unapproved comments. This will be helpful to those who get many comments that should not be published.

Another improvement to comments are that comments now can have replies. This feature is currently limited to Blog Moderators as we'd like replies to be an official informed reply that is meant to help the public.

Image: screen capture of a blog post with comments and replies to the comments.
Comment Replies

When replying to a comment a copy of the comment is shown so to make it clear which comment the reply is for.

Image: when replying to a comment the comment is displayed.
Replying to a comment

Recent Comments have also been added to the navigation as well!

Time and care has also been taken to ensure that these changes are also being applied properly to Site Builder 3.0's integration of the Blogs. However, there are still a few features that need to be added.

The freshest addition to the Blogs is the Subscription list. Right now it is very basic, and needs to be flushed out with proper functionality that allows the moderators to properly manage the list. 

Changes to the Blogs are coming along, slowly but surely! There are many more on the way, so stay tuned!

By Bryon J. Noel
Author - Lead Programmer