New Project on the Horizon for WAT

Nov 6, 2007

The Web Action Team is workin on something new this week-  we are building a 'Simple Grant System.'

The idea is to allow different units in the division to run a SIMPLE grant submission/review process that is better than what is possible with the surveys.  Initially we are targeting RREA and REC RACs.

Also- we're trying a new buddy system with this project.  Dave and Karl are both working on this from different starting points.  We hope to meet in the middle by Friday.

SGS Logos

(Possible logos for new project)

In other news, Call of Duty 4 was released today.  If Dave, Karl, Bryon or Blaine call in sick any time this week we know why.

By Karl Krist
Author - IT Director - Foundation Plant Services

Attached Images:

callofduty4 3dscreen 01