Collaborative Tools 3!

Oct 8, 2014

Collaborative Tools New Logo
CSIT is pleased to announce we have updated the Collaborative Tools System. "Version 3" provides useful new features while modernizing the critical functions you're already familiar with.

New Design - Collaborative Tools now sports a modern clean design with larger fonts for easier reading.  It is also built with several device sizes in mind, so it should look great on your new backordered iPhone 6 Plus!

Roll Up – This new feature allows you to consolidate your Collaborative Tools notifications into manageable summary emails delivered on a regular basis. With Roll-Up you'll be able to search through multiple groups, view all activity for a specific date range, or filter by tag.

Tags – Discussions can now be tagged similarly to how the ANR Blog system works. Tags are a useful way to group related posts and quickly tell readers what the discussion is about.

Document Security – Document Security has been upgraded significantly in the new version of Collaborative Tools.  Documents are no longer accessible by a simple URL.  You must be a member of a group to view any document associated with it.

New Tables – Discussions are now displayed in a dynamic table structure which can be sorted and searched through with much greater ease.  Collaborative Tools will now also search inside of documents included in posts, too!

Updated Help - We've updated the help section, including the addition of several short "how-to" videos, to assist you in getting started with the system.

Image Grid/Document List Modes - You can now view all of the images and documents in a handy grid view or as a list.  Click "Discussion" and "Image View" to check this out.

Collaborative Tools 3 will be released next week.  If you have comments about the new system or any issues using it, please email me or submit a help ticket to the ANR Help Tracker.

By Kevin Taniguchi
Author - Applications Programmer 1