A Wonderful Teacher Passes

Oct 9, 2024

A Wonderful Teacher Passes

Oct 9, 2024

There are all kinds of expressions: “We stand on the shoulders who have come before us.” “No One is an Island.” “We learn from those around us.”

I made that last one up, but it really is true. And it's true in Cooperative Extension. We learn from the people we work with, in order to better help them and the community. Dorcas Thille was one of those people who was a great teacher and community builder who has recently passed. I thought if would be fitting to share a few of my experiences with her.


Dorcas Hardison Kimball Thille

November 3, 1931 – September 4, 2024

Was a friend of mine. She was also a mentor and guide to the workings of Ventura agriculture and the people here. She contacted me the first week I was in my position as a farm advisor and made sure I was invited to the next Calavo and Saticoy Lemon Assocation board meetings.

She was a mover and shaker. I once saw her at her home orchard and after leaving saw her at the Saticoy post office. I asked her how she had gotten there so fast, because it was only 15 minutes since we'd last seen each other. She said her BMW was fast, the fastest tractor in the area.

I always found her to be considerate and thoughtful. There was once a Hollywood company wanting to do a history of avocados in Ventura County. They had asked me to talk on avocado biology in the field and Dorcas to give a little family history at the same time. It took several takes to get it right. It was a hot, late August morning and the sun started to get to me. I started sweating, and Dorcas rose to the occasion and brought out her handkerchief so I could wipe my forehead. She was cool as a cucumber.

I worked with her on the UC Hansen Trust Board and always appreciated her defense of the local needs of the agricultural community, but also the needs of the larger community of citizens in the county. Karen Ross, Secretary of the CA Department of Food and Agriculture, said Dorcas had the needs of all of California in mind.

Dorcas shared: “We make the community we want to live in.”


By Ben A Faber
Author - Advisor

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