Irrigation Conference

Sep 15, 2020

The California Irrigation Institute is the oldest independent forum on irrigation and water in California founded in 1962. The primary purpose of the institute is to host an annual conference on California water issues, water use efficiency, water quality and surface and groundwater management. The conferences feature leading water industry experts, government agency heads, water district managers, innovative farmers and vendors with leading water saving products. The sessions aim to discuss research results and practical field experience.

The two-day, half day meeting is a mix of presentation by irrigation industry representatives, policy discussion and research findings - A little bit of a lot of different topics.

The Agenda :


Estimating Water Demand and Use

Annie Burkholder, Soil Scientist, Dellavalle Laboratory


Water Transfer and Trading Credits: What are the Opportunities and Challenges

Eric Averatt, General Manager, Rosedale Rio Bravo Water District


Water Demand Management Strategies

John Kirst, Executive Director, Ventura County Farm Bureau


Hunter Presentation


Pacific Institute Report on Water Trends

Heather Cooley, Pacific Institute

Ag Sensing Project


Urban AMI

Don Schlenger, President, Don Schlenger and Associates


Don Schlenger, President, Don Schlenger and Associates

Findings from Installation of AMI on Irrigation Meters

Craig Lauridsen, Meter Operations Supervisor, Marin Municipal Water Disrtict

Lessons Learned on Smart Metering in Sacramento

William Granger, Water Conservation Coordinator, City of Sacramento

How Do You Know What You Can't See? AMI exposes it!

Debby Figoni, Water Conservation Administrator, City of Beverly Hills

Regulatory Update by DWR

Arthur Hinojosa Jr, Chief, Division of Regional Assistance, Department of Water Resources

Landscape Area Measurement

Andrew Brenner, Quantum Spatial

Residential End Use Study

Peter Mayer, Principal and Founder, WaterDM

Utility Complying with Framework

Dave Roberts, Resource Conservation Manager, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District

Developing Institutional Capacity to Cope with Water Limitations: the FAO Water Scarcity Initiative

Pasquale Steduto, FAO Land & Water Unit

Irrigation of Nut Crops Under limited water supply in Europe

David Doll, former UCCE Nut Crops Advisor

Deficit Irrigation of Tree Crops in Mediterranean Regions

Elias Fereres, CSIC, Spain

Coping with Water Limitations in Chile

Octavio Lagos, Associated Professor, Water Resources Department at the Agricultural Engineering Faculty of the University of Concepción in Chile



If you learn one good thing, you could be a better grower. David Doll and Elias Fereres may have some really interesting insights in how to better use water in tree crops.


By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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