SGS Completed and Quietly Launched

Nov 14, 2007

Yesterday, Karl and I finished up the Simple Grant System and moved it to our real Web server. This qualifies as a bona fide launch. Of course, the system is totally unknown to 99.9 percent of the division (yes, dear readers, you make up the meager .1 percent of the division that is "in the know").

One of the people who's needs we considered while designing the system was contacted and is excited to use it... next year. Oh well, that'll give us time to put bugs in that we can then work out.

Here's a couple of screen captures of the system. The first is the main page, a list of all grants in the system and any specifics things to which the user is tied. The second is the main proposal page where grantseekers/authors will attempt their bit of convincing.

If you are interested in knowing more about the system, or perhaps using it to distribute your own pile of cash, contact Karl.



By Dave Krause
Author - Interim Chief Information Officer