EVENT :: Weeds School for Table Grapes

EVENT :: Weeds School for Table Grapes

Weeds-School-for-Table-Grapes 2023 agenda

Weeds School for Table Grapes

Tuesday, November 21, 2023
8:00 AM-1:00 PM

UC Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
9240 South Riverbend Avenue
Parlier, CA 93648


Continuing education credit: 2.5 hours of DPR and CCA credits pending.

Lunch will be provided to those who pre-register.

Topics include weed management strategies, updates on herbicide resistant weeds, sprayer calibration, drift management, and weed identification. 


Click link to REGISTER: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey.cfm?surveynumber=41550

Agenda attached.


Questions: contact Joy Hollingsworth, Table Grape Advisor, UCCE Tulare and Kings Counties [joyhollingsworth@ucanr.edu; (559) 556-26730]


By Joy N Hollingsworth
Contact - Table Grape Advisor
By Gale Perez
Posted by - Public Education Specialist

Attached Files: