Research Projects

African Tulip Tree
African Tulip Trees: Are They a Threat to Native Pollinators in Southern California?

This article explores whether African tulip trees, popular in Southern California, pose a threat to native pollinators by trapping and killing bees and other insects, based on recent research findings.

Agave Mites
Managing Agave Mites: What We Know So Far

This article provides an overview of agave mites, a growing concern for both commercial growers and homeowners. It discusses their impact on ornamental agave plants, challenges in detection, management, and explores potential biological and chemical control methods based on research.

Scopes for Pest Id
What Scopes are Worth the Money for Pest Identification

This article evaluates various scopes and magnifiers for pest identification, comparing cost, magnification quality, and ease of use. It provides insights into which tools offer the best value for correctly identifying small pests like thrips and agave mites, focused on balancing affordability and effectiveness.

Pest Alerts

mexican fruit fly
What’s Happening?


Between August 2nd and 22nd 2022, several Mexican Fruit Flies (Mexfly) were found in commercial citrus groves in Valley Center. This highly damaging invasive pest triggered a quarantine beginning on 8/19/2022 across 77 square miles in Valley Center and Pauma Valley. The quarantine will last until June 2023

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