Have you ever thought of adding agritourism to your livestock operation?
Agricultural tourism is a commercial enterprise at a working farm, ranch or agricultural plant conducted for the enjoyment or education of visitors, and that generates supplemental income for the owner.Traditionally agritourism has included efforts like farm stands or shops, U-pick, farm stays, tours, on-farm classes, fairs, festivals, pumpkin patches, Christmas tree farms, winery weddings, orchard dinners, youth camps, barn dances, hunting or fishing, or guest ranches. Heritage ranch tours like was done last year at the Ford and Schmidbauer ranches are other examples.
The UC Small Farm program offers quite a bit of information on getting started in agritourism. Check out the website at: http://sfp.ucdavis.edu/agritourism/. In addition, there is statewide site that will help you promote either a one-time event or list your agritourism effort in a statewide directory that is sorted by county. The link for the free directory and the event listing is: http://ucanr.org/sites/CalAgTour/. This is a very cool resource for anyone interested in agritourism be they producer or the general public.