Blueberries in the news even a winter looms

Dec 5, 2007

Fresno Bee reporter Nzong Xiong filed a story this month about blueberries, a topic that usually seems to get more ink when the weather warms. The story appeared in the Modesto Bee on Dec. 1.

Xiong spoke to Fresno County Master Gardener Lee Fanucchi, who is growing the healthful fruit in his own backyard. In addition, he went to the Valley's resident blueberry expert Manual Jimenez, the UC Cooperative Extension small farm advisor in Tulare County who has been conducting blueberry research at the Kearney Research and Extension Center for 10 years.

Jimenez noted the blueberry's need for acidic soil, a challenge in the Central Valley where soils tend to be alkaline. Careful management of such amendments as sulfur, vinegar and citric acid is necessary for a successful crop. He suggested blueberries can also be planted in containers, where gardeners have better control over the soil ingredients.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist

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