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Fire Science

Tori Norville profile image
Tori Norville
Fire Science Advisor
Sonoma, Napa and Marin Counties
University of California Cooperative Extension
Email: trnorville@ucanr.edu
Instagram: @firerpf
View more resources on the Fire Science Program website

The Fire Science Program strives to education about the importance of fire within the California ecosystems an working holistically across the landscape with vegetation management and stewardship practices, while adapting the our homes and communities to live with fire through structure hardening and defensible space. Much of the North Bay has been affected by wildfire over the last few years, leading to an emphasis on post-fire recovery within the Fire Science Program. Additionally, the Fire Science Program research focuses on effects from prescribed fire in coastal ecosystems, post-fire restoration, and fuel treatment effectiveness.

I look forward to serving you and am always willing to chat about fire or other related topics. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, collaboration opportunities, site visits or if you want more information on the fire resources available on the Fire Science Program website.

Fire in wildlands