Sample Costs to Produce Fresh Market Raspberries Study Now Available

Nov 27, 2012

Mark Bolda, Laura Tourte, Rich De Moura and Karen Klonsky ?of University of California Cooperative Extension have authored "Sample Costs to Produce Fresh Market Raspberries" for primocane bearing varieties and this study is as of today is posted at:

The cultivation and production of fresh market raspberries on the Central Coast of California is a thriving industry of some 2500 acres. This study, which took several months of research and a number of thorough interviews with local raspberry growers (once again many thanks to each one of you!), is a thorough examination of this crop and its cultural methods (including the use of macro- tunnels), its costs and returns.  For growers currently growing or considering taking on the production of fresh market raspberries in coastal California, "Sample Costs to Produce Fresh Market Raspberries" is a must have addition to one's library.