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Rainwater & Greywater - City of Napa
Pelusi Building
2296 Streblow Drive
Napa, CA
Contact: pcostello@cityofnapa.org
Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners • Napa County

Jesse Savou, founder/owner of BlueBarrel Rainwater Catchment Systems, will show how to actively collect and store rainwater for later irrigation use. Two Napa homeowners will provide local rainwater harvesting case studies. The City's Water Conservation Specialist, Josh Stokes, will explore how used water from your indoor appliances and fixtures can be directed to the plants in your yard, with special focus on the basic laundry-to-landscape greywater system that uses clothes washer outflow and does not require a permit.

Workshop will be located at Pelusi Building, Kennedy Park, 2296 Streblow Drive, Napa.


Register here at cityofnapa.org/workshops