Virginia Creeper Leafhopper Areawide Project
University of California
Virginia Creeper Leafhopper Areawide Project

Leafhopper Newsletter

Increased eggs, nymphs and adults at most sites in Mendocino and Lake Co. - Aug. 10


Densities of VCLH and WGLH eggs and adults are increasing at all sites, with the exception of "Hopland2" where densities of both species slightly declined. VCLH and WGLH nymph densities have increased at all sites as well. Most nymphs are 1st instar (stage) which means they are likely from the third brood, but we are also starting to see 2nd - 4th instars.


Densities of WGLH adults continue to rise (or remain high) while VCLH densities are generally low and more variable. We are seeing VCLH and WGLH nymphs of second brood, most of which are 3rd - 4th instar (stage).


Another batch of Anagrus daanei, the parasitoid that controls VCLH, was released on August 5 at a vineyard in Mendocino County in the McDowell Valley area.

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