Virginia Creeper Leafhopper Areawide Project
University of California
Virginia Creeper Leafhopper Areawide Project

Leafhopper Newsletter

New Format for "Leafhopper Newsletter"

The "Leafhopper Newsletter" is now the "Leafhopper Blog"

This year we're transitioning the Leafhopper Newsletter to a blog format in order to improve readability and create a better way for readers to send comments and feedback.

As part of this transition, we have transferred all newsletter subscriptions to the new blog. By now you should have received an email from "blogs-no-reply" with the subject "New Subscription to ANR Blogs" indicating that you've been subscribed to the "Leafhopper Blog". Please make sure to validate your email in order to confirm your subscription to the blog (otherwise you will not receive updates).

Like the Leafhopper Newsletter, these Leafhopper Blog posts will summarize data from the regional leafhopper monitoring effort in Mendocino and Lake County.

The full blog can be found here:

This will be the final email sent through the "Leafhopper Newsletter" list-serve.

Download Newsletter (253KB PDF)
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