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Mailing address
UC Vegetable Research & Information Center
University of California, Davis
Dept. of Plant Sciences, MS4
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: (530) 752-1748

Email: vric@ucdavis.edu



Steve Fennimore
Director, UC Vegetable Research & Information Center (Vegetable RIC)

Gale Perez
Program Representative, UC Vegetable Research & Information Center (Vegetable RIC)

Vegetable Crops experts

Aegerter, Brenna Farm Advisor vegetable crops, plant pathology UCCE San Joaquin county
Aram, Kamyar East Bay Specialty Crops Advisor   UCCE Contra Costa, Alameda (East Bay)
Becker, Ole CE Nematologist and Professor    
Bennaton, Rob Bay Area Urban Agriculture Advisor small scale food production and soil quality/resource management UCCE Alameda, San Mateo, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Contra Costa (East Bay) counties
Biscaro, Andre Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor irrigation and nutrient management of berry and vegetable crops UCCE Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino counties
Cahn, Michael Farm Advisor irrigation and water resources  UCCE Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz counties
CropManage website
Dahlquist-Willard, Ruth Small Farms Advisor small farms and specialty crops UCCE Fresno, Tulare counties
Dara, Surendra Entomology and Biologicals Advisor entomology, biologicals UCCE San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura counties
Daugovish, Oleg Strawberry and Vegetable Crop Advisor ag and environmental issues for vegetable crops and strawberries UCCE Ventura county
de la Fuente, Maria Farm Advisor mushrooms, compost, specialty vegetables, nursery crops, plant pathology and soil microbiology UCCE Monterey, Santa Cruz counties
Diekmann, Lucy Urban Agriculture and Food Systems Advisor urban agriculture UCCE Santa Clara, San Mateo counties
Fake, Cindy Horticulture and Small Farms Advisor commercial horticultural production UCCE Placer-Nevada counties
Foothill Farming website
Farrar, Jim UC IPM Director IPM, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi Davis
Fennimore, Steve CE Weed Specialist weed control in cool-season vegetables, weed biology, weed seed germination UC Davis (located in Salinas)
Gazula, Aparna Small Farm Advisor vegetable production, nutrient management, small farms UCCE Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz counties
Goodrich, Brittney CE Specialist economics of sustainable agricultural management UC Davis
Grettenberger, Ian CE Specialist entomology UC Davis
Harris, Linda CE Food Safety Specialist microbial food safety throughout the food chain with a focus on the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts UC Davis
Lloyd, Margaret Small Farms Advisor small farms, organics UCCE Yolo, Sacramento, Solano (Capitol Corridor)
Lobo, Ramiro Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops UCCE San Diego
McGiffen, Milt CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist vegetable crops, invasive species, weed science, sustainable agriculture, and alternatives to methyl bromide UC Riverside
Mitchell, Jeff CE Cropping Systems Specialist vegetable cropping systems, irrigation management, soil quality, organic soil amendments, extension models, postharvest physiology UC Davis (located in Parlier)
Muramoto, Joji CE Specialist organic production UC Santa Cruz
Ploeg, Antoon CE Nematology Specialist nematode pest management in field and vegetable crops; virus transmission UC Riverside
Putman, Alex CE Specialist and Plant Pathologist   UC Riverside
Sidhu, Jaspreet Vegetable Crops Advisor   UCCE Kern county
Smith, Richard Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Advisor vegetable crop production and weed science UCCE Monterey
Stoddard, Scott Vegetable Crops & Soils Advisor soil fertility and soil conservation, tomatoes, melons, sweetpotatoes, weed management UCCE Merced, Madera counties
Swett, Cassandra CE Plant Pathology Specialist vegetable and field crop pathology UC Davis
Takele, Eta Area Farm Management / Agricultural Economics Advisor production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk management UCCE Riverside, Imperial, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Ventura counties
Turini, Thomas Farm Advisor vegetable crops UCCE Fresno county
Vinchesi-Vahl, Amber Area Vegetable Crops Advisor entomology, IPM, pollinators, insect-vectored diseases, vegetable crops, soilborne fungal pathogens  UCCE Colusa, Sutter-Yuba
Wang, Selina CE Specialist fruit and vegetable processing UC Davis
Wang, Zheng Vegetable Crops Advisor vegetable crops and irrigation UCCE Stanislaus
Westerdahl, Becky CE Nematology Specialist and Professor applied nematology, IPM UC Davis
Wilson, Rob Farm Advisor pest management in vegetable and field crops; potato variety development; production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains UC ANR Intermountain REC