Journal Articles & Book Chapters 2000 - 2009
Zalom, F.G. and F.J. Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray. 2009. Integrating pesticides and biocontrol of mites in agricultural systems. pp. 471-476, In Trends in Acarology, M.W. Sabelis and J. Bruin, eds. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Thompson, P.B., F.G. Zalom and M.P. Bolda. 2009. Evaluating insecticides for control of adult Lygus bugs (Miridae: Hemiptera) in California strawberries. Acta Horticulturae. 842: 219-223.
Zalom, F.G., P.B. Thompson and N. Nicola. 2009. Cyclamen mite, Phytonemus pallidus (Banks), and other tarsonemid mites in strawberries. Acta Horticulturae 842: 243-246.
Pease, C.G. and F.G. Zalom. 2009. Influence of non-crop plants on stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and their natural enemies in tomatoes. Journal of Applied Entomology. 134: 626-636.
Rehman, J.U., X.G. Wang, M.W. Johnson, K.M. Daane, G. Jilani, M.A. Khan, and F.G. Zalom. 2009. Effects of Peganum harmala (Zygophyllaceae) seed extract on olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its larval parasitoid, Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 102: 2233-2240.
Burrack, H.J., A.M. Fornell, J.H. Connell, N.V. O’Connell, P.A. Phillips, P.M. Vossen, and F.G. Zalom. 2009. Intraspecific larval competition in the olive fruit fly (Diptera:Tephritidae). Environmental Entomology. 38(5): 1400-1410.
Koike, S.T., F.G. Zalom, and K.D. Larson. 2009. Bronzing of strawberry fruit as affected by production practices, environmental factors, and thrips. HortScience. 44(6): 1-6.
Carey, J.R., T.W. Scott, F.G. Zalom, B.D. Hammock, and W.S. Leal. 2009. Rethinking departments of entomology. American Entomologist. 55(2): 88-90.
Zalom, F.G., R.A. Van Steenwyk, H.J Burrack, and M.W. Johnson.2009. Olive fruit fly. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Pest Notes. Publ. 74112. 4 pp.
McKee, G.J, and F.G. Zalom. 2009. A model of greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) population development and management on Camarosa variety strawberry plants. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 12: 117-122.
McKee, G.J., R.E. Goodhue, F.G. Zalom, C.A. Carter, and J.A. Chalfant. 2009. Population dynamics and the economics of invasive species management: the greenhouse whitefly in California-grown strawberries. Journal of Environmental Management. 90: 561-570.
Pease, C.G. and F.G. Zalom. 2009. Influence of non-crop plants on stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and their natural enemies in tomatoes. J. Appl. Entomol. 134: 626-636.
Sánchez-Moreno, S., N.L. Nicola, H. Ferris, and F.G. Zalom. 2009. Effects of agricultural management on nematode – mite assemblages: soil food web indices as predictors of mite community composition. Applied Soil Ecology. 41: 107-117.
Zygouridis, N.E., A.A. Augustinos, F.G. Zalom, and K.D. Matiopoulos. 2009. Analysis of olive fly invasion in California based on microsatellite markers. Heredity. 102(4): 402-12.
Zalom, F.G. 2008. Challenges of managing Lygus in strawberry plantations on the central coast of California. Journal of Insect Science. 8 (49): 26-27.
Hummel, N.A., W.S. Leal, and F.G. Zalom. 2008. Potentially hygroreceptive sensillae on the anal stylus of Homalodisca vitripennis. Journal of Insect Science. 8 (58): 1-6.
Burrack, H.J., J.H. Connell, and F.G. Zalom. 2008. Comparison of olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)) (Diptera: Tephritidae) captures in several commercial traps in California. International Journal of Pest Management. 54: 227-234.
Burrack, H.J. and F.G. Zalom. 2008. Olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) ovipositional preference and larval performance in several commercially important olive varieties in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. 101(3): 750-758.
Bolda, M.A., O. Daugovish, S.A. Fennimore, S.T. Koike, K.D. Larson, D.B. Marcum, and F.G. Zalom. (technical coordinators) 2008. Integrated pest management for strawberries, 2nd ed. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3351.
Burrack, H.J., F.G. Zalom, and J.H. Connell. 2008. Comparison of several traps for use in monitoring the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) in California. Acta Horticulturae. 791: 547-554.
Zalom, F.G., H.J. Burrack, R. Bingham, R. Price, and L. Ferguson. 2008. Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) introduction and establishment in California. Acta Horticulturae. 791: 619-627.
McKee, G.J., F.G. Zalom, and R.E. Goodhue. 2007. Management and yield impact of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) on California strawberries. HortScience. 42(2): 280-287.
Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray, F. J. and F. G. Zalom. 2007. Selectivity of acaricide exposure on Galendromus occidentalis reproductive potential. Biocontrol Science and Technology. 17(5): 541-546.
Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray, F.J., F.G. Zalom, and P.B. Thompson. 2007. Residual toxicity of acaricides to Galendromus occidentalis and Phytoseiulus persimilis reproductive potential. Biological Control. 40:153-159.
Cullen, E.M. and F.G. Zalom. 2007. On-farm trial assessing efficacy of three insecticide classes for management of stink bug and fruit damage on processing tomatoes. Plant Health Progress. doi:10.1094/PHP-2007-0323-01-RS.
Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray, J., F. Zalom, I. Perez-Moreno, and V. Marco. 2006. Effects of lufenuron on Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) egg, larval and adult stages. Journal of Economic Entomology. 99(2): 427-431.
Zalom, F.G., C. Pease and P. Thompson. 2006. Potato aphid control with insect growth regulators in processing tomatoes, 2004. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: E84.
Zalom, F.G., C. Pease and P. Thompson. 2006. Potato aphid control in processing tomatoes, 2004. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: E83.
Zalom, F.G., F. Niederholzer, C. Pease and N. Nicola. 2006. Peach twig borer dormant season control, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: D4.
Zalom, F.G., F. Niederholzer, C. Pease and T. Glik. 2006. Peach twig borer dormant season control, 2004. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: D3.
Zalom, F.G., P. Thompson, N. Nicola and K. Larson. 2006. Evaluation of miticides against the two-spotted spider mite, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: C21.
Zalom, F.G., P. Thompson, N. Nicola and K. Larson. 2006. Evaluation of miticides against the carmine spider mite, 2005. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: C20.
Zalom, F.G., P. Thompson, K. Larson, C. Smith and J. Palacios. 2006. Central of beet armyworm and western flower thrips with reduced-risk insecticides, 2004. Arthropod Management Tests. 31: C19.
Hummel, N.A., F.G. Zalom, and C.Y.S. Peng. 2006. Anatomy and histology of the reproductive organs of female Homalodisca coagulata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Proconiini), with special emphasis on the categorization of vitellogenic oöcytes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 99(5): 920-932.
Zalom, FG., D.V. Shaw, and K.D. Larson. 2006. Strawberry insects and mites in California, ecology and control. In: Encyclopedia of Pest Management. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. [DOI: 10.1081/E-EPM-120041243].
Hummel, N.A., F.G. Zalom, N.C. Toscano, P. Burman and C.Y.S. Peng. 2006. Seasonal patterns of female Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) reproductive physiology in Riverside, California. Environmental Entomology. 35(4): 901-906.
Hummel, N.A., F.G. Zalom, and C.Y.S. Peng. 2006. Structure of female genitalia of Homalodisca coagulata (Say) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Arthropod Structure and Development. 35: 111-125.
Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray, F.J., and F.G. Zalom. 2006. Side effects of five new acaricides on the predator Galendromus occidentalis (Acari, Phytoseiidae). Experimental and Applied Acarology. 8: 299-305.
Brady, J.I., W.W. Wallender, I. Werner, F.G. Zalom, M.N. Oliver, B.W. Wilson, F.B. Mostafazadeh, M. Mata, J. Henderson, and L. Deanovic. 2006. Pesticide runoff from orchard floors in Davis, California, USA: A comparative analysis of diazinon and esfenvalerate Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment 115: 56-68.
Cullen, E.M. and F.G. Zalom. 2006. Morphological relationships between Euschistus conspersus females and their attraction to methyl 2E, 4Z – decadienoate pheromone baited traps in processing tomatoes. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 119: 163-173.
Larson, K.D., S.T. Koike, and F.G. Zalom. 2006. Polyethylene mulch, deficit irrigation, overhead sprinkling and strawberry fruit bronzing. Acta Horticulturae. 708:51-57.
Hoffmann, M.P., F.G. Zalom, and T.P. Kuhar. 2006. Integrated Pest Management. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester [doi:10.1038/npg.els.0003248]
Hummel, N.A., F.G. Zalom, and C.Y.S. Peng. 2005. Fecundity and success of progeny produced by Homalodisca coagulata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) on single host species. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. 22 (3&4): 151-158.
Zalom, F.G. 2005. Science and stakeholders: new, traditional and non-traditional ways of doing business, Chapter 7. pp. 65-79. In Entomology at the Land Grant University: Perspectives from the Texas A&M University Department Centenary, K. M. Heinz, R. Frisbie and C. Bogran eds. Texas A&M Press. College Station, TX.
Saenz de Cabezon Irigaray, J. V. Marco, F. Zalom, and I. Perez-Moreno. 2005. Effects of methoxyfenocide on Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) egg, larval and adult stages. Pest Management Science. 61:1133-1137.
Cullen, E.M. and F.G. Zalom. 2005. Relationship between Euschistus conspersus (Hem., Pentatomidae) pheromone trap catch and canopy samples in processing tomatoes. Journal of Applied Entomology. 129: 505-514
Brodt, S., F. Zalom, R. Krebill-Prather, W. Bentley, C. Pickel, J. Connell, L. Wilhoit, and M. Gibbs. 2005. Almond growers rely on pest control advisers for integrated pest management. California Agriculture. 59(4):242-248.
Brust, G., and F. Zalom. 2005. Tomato. pp. 124-141, In Vegetable insect management, R. Foster and B.R. Flood, eds. Meister Media Worldwide. Willoughby, OH.
Zalom, F.G., C. Pickel, W.J. Bentley, R. Coviello, R.A. Van Steenwyk, and M.W. Freeman. Insects and mites. pp. 1-34, In UC IPM pest management guidelines: almond. Univ. of Calif. PMG Publ. 3431. January 2005.
Zalom, F.G., P.A. Phillips, N.C. Toscano and M. Bolda. 2005. Insects and mites. pp. 1-43, In UC IPM pest management guidelines: strawberry. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3468. May, 2005.
Pickel, C., W.H. Olson, F.G. Zalom, R.P. Buchner, W.H. Krueger and W.O. Reil. 2005. Insects and mites. pp. 1-47, In UC IPM pest management guidelines: prune. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3464. January, 2005.
Zalom, F.G., J.T. Trumble, C.F. Fouche and C.G. Summers. 2005. Insects and mites. pp. A.1 & B.1-37, In UC IPM pest management guidelines, tomato. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3470. January, 2005.
Leal, W.S., A.L. Parra-Pedrazzoli, K.E. Kaissling, T.I. Morgan, F.G. Zalom, D.J. Pesak, E. A. Dundulis, C. S. Burks, and B. S. Higbee. 2005. Unusual pheromone chemistry in the navel orangeworm: novel sex attractants and a behavioral antagonist. Naturwissenschaften. 92: 139-146.
Larson, K.D., S.T. Koike and F.G. Zalom. 2005. Bed mulch treatment affects strawberry fruit bronzing and yield performance. HortScience. 40(1) 72-75.
Daane, K.M., R.E. Rice, F.G. Zalom, W.W. Barnett, and M.W. Johnson. 2005. Arthropod pests of olive, pp. 105-114, In G. S. Sibbett and L. Ferguson, eds., Olive production manual, second edition. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3353.
Van Steenwyk, R.A. and F.G. Zalom. 2005. Environmental laws elicit evolution in pest management. California Agriculture. 59(1): 2.
Van Steenwyk, R.A. and F.G. Zalom. 2005. Food quality protection act (FQPA) launches search for pest management alternatives. California Agriculture. 59(1):7-10.
Zalom, F.G., N.C. Toscano and F.J. Byrne. 2005. Managing resistance is critical to future use of pyrethroids and neonicotinoids. California Agriculture. 59(1):11-15.
Van Steenwyk, R.A, L. Ferguson and F.G. Zalom. 2004. Insects and mites. pp. A.1 & B.1-14, In UC IPM pest management guidelines, olive. Univ. of Calif. PMG Publ. 3452. April, 2004.
Bentley, W.J., F.G. Zalom, J. Granett, R.J. Smith, L.G. Varela and A.H. Purcell. 2004. Insects and mites. pp. A.1 & B.1-42, In UC IPM pest management guidelines, grape. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3448. July, 2004.
Zalom, F.G., T. Glik, D. Limburg and D. Shaw. 2004. Two-spotted spider mite control, 2001. Arthropod Management Tests. 29: C21.
Zalom, F. and T. Glik. 2004. Peach twig borer dormant season control, 2003. Arthropod Management Tests. 29: B13.
Musongong, G., E. N. Nukenine, M. Ngassoum, T. Gangue, O. Messine, C. N. Fokunang, F. G. Zalom, L. M. Njongmeta, and V. Tanya. 2004. In vitro toxicity of ethanolic plant extracts from Adamawa Province, Cameroon to infective larvae of Strongyloides papillosus. Journal of Biological Sciences. 4:763-767.
Werner, I., F.G. Zalom, M.N. Oliver, L.A. Deanovic, T.S.Kimball, J.D. Henderson, B.W. Wilson, W. Krueger, and W.W. Wallender. 2004. Toxicity of stormwater runoff after dormant spray application in a French prune orchard (Glenn County, California, USA): temporal patterns and the effect of ground covers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemisty. 23(11):2719-2726.
Zalom, F.G., I. Werner, M.N. Oliver, L.A. Deanovic. T. Kimball, B.W. Wilson, J.D. Henderson, and W.W. Wallender. 2004. Organophosphate dormant spray pest control efficacy, pesticide concentration and toxicity in storm runoff. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 73:299-305.
Joyce, B.A., W.W. Wallender, T. Angermann, B.W. Wilson, I. Werner, M.N. Oliver, F.G. Zalom, and J.D. Henderson. 2004. Using infiltration enhancement and soil water management to reduce diazinon in runoff. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 40:1063-1070.
Hummel, N.A., F.G. Zalom, G.M. Miyao, N.C. Underwood and A. Villalobos. 2004. Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), in tomatoes: plant canopy distribution and binomial sampling on processing tomatoes in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. 97(1):1-6.
Zalom, F.G., R.A. Van Steenwyk and H.J. Burrack. 2004. Olive fruit fly. Pest Notes, Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 74112. 4 pp.
Shaw, D.V., F.G. Zalom and K.D. Larson. 2003. Relative differences in yield for strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) genotypes are stable over differing levels of infestation by twospotted spidermites (Tetranychus urticae Koch.). Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science. 128(5): 678-681.
Zalom, F.G. 2003. Tobacco flea beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) distribution on seedling tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae 613:247-250.
Zalom, F.G. 2003. Pests, endangered pesticides and processing tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae 631:223-233.
Olsen, L., F.G. Zalom and P.L. Adkisson. 2003. Integrated pest management in the United States of America. pp. 249-271. In: Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena, K.M. Maredia. D. Daouo and D. Mota-Sanchez, eds. CAB International Press.
Hanna, R., F.G. Zalom, and W.J. Roltsch. 2003. Relative impact of spider predation and cover crop on population dynamics of Erythroneura variabilis in a raisin grape vineyard. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 107:177-191.
Zalom, F.G., M.N. Oliver, I. Werner, L.A. Deanovic, T. Kimball, B.W. Wilson, J.D. Henderson, and W.W. Wallender. 2003. Mitigating orchard dormant spray runoff by alternative treatment timing: impact on target pest species and pesticide load. pp 39-45, In: Proc. California Plant and Soil Conf., Feb. 5-6, 2003, Modesto, CA.
Werner, I., L.A. Deanovic, T. Kimball, B.W. Wilson, W. Krueger, W.W. Wallender, M.N. Oliver, and F.G. Zalom. 2003. Toxicity of stormwater runoff after dormant spray application in a French prune orchard (Glenn County, California): temporal patterns and the effect of ground covers. pp 46-51, In: Proc. California Plant and Soil Conf., Feb. 5-6, 2003, Modesto, CA.
Zalom, F. and D. Walsh. 2002. Petroleum-derived spray oils: a useful tactic in California IPM systems. pp.379-386, In: A. Beattie, D. Watson, M. Stevens, D. Rae and R. Spooner-Hart (eds.). Spray Oils Beyond 2000: Sustainable Pest and Disease Management, Veritage Press, Lisarow, New South Wales, Australia.
Millar J.G., H.L. McBrien, H.-Y. Ho, R.E. Rice, E. Cullen, F.G. Zalom and A. Uokl. 2002. Pentatomid bug pheromones in IPM: possible applications and limitations. Bull. Intl. Org. Biol. Contr., Pheromone Working Group 25(9):1-11.
Walsh, D. and F. Zalom. 2002. Winter horticultural and agricultural mineral oil treatments for control of two-spotted spider mite on California strawberries. pp. 481-491, In: A. Beattie, D. Watson, M. Stevens, D. Rae and R. Spooner-Hart (eds.). 2002. Spray Oils Beyond 2000: Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. Veritage Press. Lisarow, New South Wales, Australia.
Zalom, F.G., M.N. Oliver, W.W. Wallender, I. Werner, B.W. Wilson, W.H. Krueger, B.T. Angermann, L.A. Deanovic, T.S. Kimball, J.D. Henderson, G.H. Oliveira, and P. Osterli. 2002. Monitoring and mitigating offsite movement of dormant spray pesticides from California orchards. Acta Horticulturae 592:729-735.
Zalom, F.G., D.B. Walsh, W. Krueger and J. Connell. 2002. Tolerance of peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella, to organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides. Acta Horticulturae 591:585-590.
Angermann, T., W.W. Wallender, B.W. Wilson, I. Werner, D.E. Hinton, M.N. Oliver, F.G. Zalom, J.D. Henderson, G.H. Oliveria, L.A. Deanovic, P. Osterli, and W. Krueger. 2002. Runoff from orchard floors – micro-plot field experiments and modeling. Journal of Hydrology. 265:178-194.
McBrien, H.L., J.G. Millar, R.E. Rice, J.S. McElfresh, E. Cullen, and F.G. Zalom. 2002. Sex attractant pheromone of the red-shouldered stink bug Thyanta pallidovirens: a pheromone blend with multiple redundant components. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 28(9):1797-1818.
Badenes-Perez, F.R., F.G. Zalom and W.J. Bentley. 2002. Are San Jose scale (Hom., Diaspididae) pheromone trap captures predictive of crawler densities? Journal of Applied Entomology. 126:545-549.
Badenes-Perez, F.G. Zalom and W.J. Bentley. 2002. Effects of dormant insecticide treatments on the San Jose scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae) and its parasitoids Encarsia perniciosi and Aphytis spp. (Hymenoptera: Aphlinidae). 2002. International Journal of Pest Managment. 48(4):291-296.
Pickel, C., W. H. Olson, F. G. Zalom, R. P. Buchner, W. H. Krueger and W. O. Reil. 2002. Insects and mites. pp. B.1-44, In Pest management guidelines: prunes. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3339. February, 2002.
Zalom, F. G., J. T. Trumble, C. Summers and N. C. Toscano. 2002. Insects and mites. pp. 1-30, In Tomato pest management guidelines. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3339. January, 2002.
Bentley, W. J., F. Zalom, J. Granett, R. Smith, L. Varela and A. Purcell. 2002. Insects and mites. pp. B.1-31, In Grape pest management guidelines. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3339. February, 2002.
Zalom, F. G., P. A. Phillips, N. C. Toscano and S. Udayagiri. 2002. Insects and mites. Pp. 1-31, In Pest management guidelines: strawberries. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3339.
Nukenine E. N., A. G. O. Dixon, A. T. Hassan and. F. G. Zalom. 2002. Relationships between leaf trichome characteristics and field resistance to cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). Systematic and Applied Acarology. 7:77-90
Zalom, F. G. 2002. Dormant sprays. pp. 204-206, In D. Pimentel, ed. Encyclopedia of Pest Management. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
Walsh, D. B., F. G. Zalom, D. V. Shaw and K. D. Larson. 2002. Yield reduction caused by twospotted spider mite feeding in an advanced-cycle strawberry breeding population. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science. 127(2):230-237.
Marsh, M. M., M. V. McKenry, W. C. Micke, T. S. Prather, B. L. Teviotdale and F. G. Zalom (technical coordinators). 2002. Integrated pest management for almonds, Second Ed. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3308. 199pp.
Werner, I., L. A. Deanovic, D. E. Hinton, J. D. Henderson, G H. Oliveira, B. W. Wilson, W. Krueger, W. W. Wallender, M. N. Oliver and F. G. Zalom. 2002. Toxicity of stormwater runoff after dormant spray application of diazinon and esfenvalerate (Asana) in a french prune orchard (Glenn County, California). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 68(1): 29-36.
Zalom, F. G., R. A. Van Steenwyk, W. J. Bentley, R. Coviello, R. E. Rice, L. Hendricks, C. Pickel, and M. W. Freeman. 2001. Insects and mites. pp. 1-29, In Almond pest management guidelines. Univ. of Calif. PMG Publ. 3339. February 2001.
Zalom, F. G., J. T. Trumble, C. Summers and N. C. Toscano. 2001. Insects and mites. pp. 1-30, In Tomato pest management guidelines. Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3339. February 2001.
Millar, J. G., R. E. Rice, S. A. Steffan, K. M. Daane, E. Cullen and F. G. Zalom. 2001. Attraction of female digger wasps, Asata occidentalis Cresson (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) to the sex pheromone of the stink bug Thyanta pallidovirens (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 77:244-248.
Zalom, F. G., W. T. Lanini, G. Miyao, and R. M. Davis. 2001. A continuum of integrated pest management practices in processing tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae. 542: 55-62
Cullen, E., F. Zalom, W. Steinke and N. Hummel. 2001. High-volume applications to improve canopy penetration and efficacy of reduced risk insecticides in processing tomatoes. Acta Horticulturae. 542: 31-37.
Zalom, F. G. 2001. Pesticide use practices in integrated pest management, Chapter 9. pp. 275-283, In Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, 2nd Edition. Vol. 1. Principles. R. I. Krieger, ed. Academic Press, New York.
Shennan, C., C. L. Cecchettini, G. B. Goldman, and F. G. Zalom. 2001. Profiles of California farmers by degree of IPM use as indicated by self-descriptions in a phone survey. Agricultural Ecosystems and Enviroment. 84: 267-275.
Epstein, L., S. Bassein, F. G. Zalom, and L. R. Wilhoit. 2001. Changes in pest management practice in almond orchards during the rainy season in California USA. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 83:111-120
Zalom, F. G., M. W. Stimmann, T. S. Arndt, D. B. Walsh, C. Pickel and W. H. Krueger. 2001. Analysis of permethrin (cis- and trans-isomers) and esfenvalerate on almond twigs and effects of residues on the predator mite, Galendromus occidentalis (Acari:Phytoseiidae). Environmental Entomology. 30:70-75.
Epstein, L., S. Bassein, F. G. Zalom and L. R. Wilhoit. 2001. Changes in pest management practice in almond orchards during the rainy season in California, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 83:111-120
Walsh, D. B., and F. G. Zalom. 2000. Programa de manejo integral de plagas de artropodos de la fresa en las regiones productoras de California. Pp. 109-122, In J. Z. Castellanos and F. G. O’Hart, eds. Simposio Internacional de Fresa. Zamora, Mexico.
Zalom, F. G. 2000. Building the IPM continuum. Calif. Agric. 54(6): 2.
Epstein, L., S. Bassein, and F.G. Zalom. 2000. Almond and stone fruit growers reduce OP, increase pyrethroid use in orchard dormant sprays. Calif. Agric. 54(6):14-19.
Zalom, F. G. 2000. Moving along the IPM continuum. Proc. Amer. Soc. Enol. Vitic. 50: 356-359.
Zalom, F., C. Tobia, K. Larson, N. Toscano, and G. Ballmer. 2000. Acaricide efficacy against spider mites on south coast strawberries, 1998-99. Arthropod Managem. Tests. 25: 75-76.
Zalom, F. G., M. W. Stimmann, T. S. Arndt, D. B. Walsh, C. Pickel and W. H. Krueger. 2001. Analysis of permethrin (cis- and trans-isomers) and esfenvalerate on almond twigs and effects of residues on the predator mite, Galendromus occidentalis (Acari:Phytoseiidae). Environmental Entomology. 30:70-75.
Epstein, L., S. Bassein, F. G. Zalom and L. R. Wilhoit. Changes in pest management practice in almond orchards during the rainy season in California, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 83:111-120
Cullen, E. M., F. G. Zalom, M. L. Flint and E. E. Zilbert. 2000. Quantifying trade-offs between pest sampling time and precision in commercial IPM sampling programs. Agricultural Systems. 66(2):99-113.
Cullen, Eileen M. and Frank G. Zalom. 2000. Phenology-based field monitoring for consperse stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in processing tomatoes. Environmental Entomology 29(3):560-567.