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Interest Survey: 5-minute Wellness Spot


At each of the ANR Davis "All Hands" Meetings on Third Thursdays, we'd like to bring in ANR people to lead a 5-minute "Wellness Spot". 

What is a wellness spot? It is a presentation/activity that shares how you incorporate wellness into your life.

Wellness in the human experience can be in any of these areas: Finances, physical fitness, environment, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual.

Here is a Dimensions of Wellness Illustration adapted from Swarbrick, M. (2006). A wellness approach. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 29,(4) 311-3314.

Fill out this survey if you are interested in leading one of the 5-minute Wellness Spots at one of our future meetings - or perhaps you know who someone who might be a good presenter? People from outside Davis will have the ability to participate via Zoom.