Newspaper turns to UCCE for commentary on almond bloom

Feb 17, 2011

Even though the earliest almonds are already starting to bloom, this week's rain storms don't spell ruin for California farmers, according to UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor Joe Connell.

Connell shared his thoughts about bloom with reporter Heather Hacking of the Chico Enterprise Record. He said he has 80 years of bloom data in his office, and the date of first bloom is anywhere from the last week in January to the first week of March.

Because bees were in almond orchards last week, before the rain, the pollen gathered will help strengthen hives and prepare the bees for the work of the main almond bloom, the farm advisor said.

If the storms bring hail, however, it can disastrous for growers. Hail was reported in some areas Wednesday, which is not good, Connell told the reporter. The hail can damage open flowers and knock down nutlets; cold temperatures can cause frost damage.

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By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist