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Weed control, management, ecology, and minutia
by Darren Houser
on February 25, 2019 at 7:15 PM
Hi Devii,  
I'm no biologist however, Ive read several small pieces on controlling Russian Knapp. Wondering out loud because I'm not a fan of 2,4 D (and Round Up), do you know of any studies where there was an attempt to drown this pesky weed?  
I'm part of a duck hunting club which is in a battle with this weed. We can control the levee and might be able push the infected area into a seasonally controlled pond, instead of draining that pond we can just leave it in the water for a season. Thoughts?
by Devii R. Rao
on March 19, 2019 at 4:45 PM
Here's a link to an abstract for a paper looking at aminopyralid (Milestone) to control Russian Knapweed:  
That treatment worked well. Researchers I contacted have not tested drowning the plant.
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