Urban Agriculture
University of California
Urban Agriculture

Partnering with produce providers

What's one way to combat food waste, save money, and expand food knowledge? Ask a UC Master Food Preserver.

Or rather, have a group of dedicated volunteers do a hands-on demo at a CSA pick-up location. Tanaka Farms, located in Orange County, did just that. The farm's Community Supported Agriculture program delivers more than 1,600 produce boxes a month to a subscriber base that is highly motivated to prepare and cook food. Educating their customers is a mission of Tanaka Farms CSA as well as a tenet of the UC Master Food Preserver Program.

A sample Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) box. (Photo: Tanaka Farms)
Working with Patty Nagatoshi, Tanaka Farms CSA program coordinator, UC Master Food Preserver volunteers have already held two workshops for CSA customers. These classes were tailored to preserving the contents of the CSA box, since CSA members often struggle to find a use for every item they receive. Volunteers handed out a list of suggested recipes as a reference after the workshops. These classes are helping customers to maximize their bounty while also cutting down on wasted food. 
UC Master Food Preserver Volunteers demonstrate ways to use CSA produce. (Photo: UC Master Food Preserver Program of Orange County)

Additionally, Master Food Preserver volunteers held demonstrations at the farm's Strawberry and Corn Festivals. There they demonstrated dehydrating strawberry fruit leather, making strawberry freezer jam, canning corn relish and making corn broth.

Crushing strawberries for strawberry jam. (Photo: UC Master Food Preserver Program of Orange County)

These off-site demos are a prime example of bringing safe, reputable information directly to the public. Preserve today, relish tomorrow!

Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 8:56 AM
  • Author: Katelyn Ogburn
  • Contributor: Norma Yarbrough

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