ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Two new ways to get involved in the Global Food Initiative

In July 2014, UC President Janet Napolitano launched the UC Global Food Initiative (GFI) and ANR continues to play a major role in the GFI. Two new examples are a special issue of California Agriculture that is in the planning stages and a food-research video competition for UC students that the Nutrition Policy Institute is co-sponsoring. A call has gone out UC systemwide to participate in these projects.

Special issue of California Agriculture

ANR's peer-reviewed research journal California Agriculture is planning a special Global Food Initiative issue for summer 2017. Developed in partnership with GFI leaders at ANR, UCOP, the 10 UC campuses and the UC-affiliated national laboratories, the issue will mark the third anniversary of the initiative's launch.

The issue will feature a collection of original research papers in the GFI subject areas: nutrition, food security, food sourcing, food equity, food literacy, food recovery, food waste, local food systems, sustainable agricultural production, sustainable fishery practices, sustainable urban agriculture and climate smart agriculture. A call for papers is going out to researchers throughout the UC System.

ANR researchers working in these areas are encouraged to submit papers. Please see the call for manuscripts for full details. Abstracts are due for initial review by Oct. 1, 2016, with complete manuscripts to be submitted by Nov. 18.

If you have questions, contact Jim Downing, executive editor, at and (530) 750-1352.

Food research video contest

The World Food Day Video Challenge, co-sponsored by ANR's Nutrition Policy Institute, the UC Davis World Food Center and the GFI, is open to UC students. Students from all the UC campuses are invited to submit videos up to three minutes long that feature UC research. It could be about their own research or your research.

The winning team will receive $1,000 and an opportunity for team members (up to 3) to attend the Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium in October.

One objective of the contest is to raise awareness of the depth and breadth of food-related research and outreach being performed across the UC system.

Please encourage GFI fellows and UC students at your locations to participate by submitting a video by Sept. 7, 2016.

Details about the challenge are at If you have questions, read the FAQs or contact WFC's Amy Beaudrealt at or NPI's Ron Strochlic at

Posted on Friday, August 12, 2016 at 9:35 AM

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