ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Supporting science on Earth Day and every day

Dear Colleagues,

A few of you in the ANR community have inquired about UC ANR participating in the March for Science events on Saturday, April 22 (Earth Day).

UC ANR will not have an official role in the March for Science and UC funds will not be used for the march, but I whole-heartedly support you promoting the value of scientific research to society on Earth Day and every day.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the March for Science, the organizers say they have two goals: to encourage the use of science to inform policy and to encourage scientists to reach out to people in their communities and discuss the research they do and explain why it is important. Events are being held in San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and other cities around the world.

Using science to inform policy and sharing research to advance our communities certainly align with our goals. In fact, we should be advocating for sound science every day.

This week, March 5-8, I am in Washington, D.C., to discuss the value of food and agriculture research with California's congressional representatives. I'm joined by a strong delegation that includes our five CARET members (Council for Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching), three deans and several UC ANR academics. (You can follow the CARET visits on social media by looking for hashtags #CARET2017 or #UCinDC.) This is just one of the many ongoing opportunities we embrace to help advocate for the use of science and research to more effectively inform policy.



Glenda Humiston
Vice President 

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Posted on Monday, March 6, 2017 at 8:30 AM
Tags: CARET (1), Glenda Humiston (41)

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