Forest Climate Action Team - Center for Forestry Gives Comment at Public Meeting

Feb 23, 2015

The Center for Forestry submitted both written and oral comments at the Forest Climate Action Team (FCAT) Public Meeting on February 20, 2015 in Sacramento, CA. The The FCAT was established as part of the 2014 Climate Change Scoping Plan update to Assembly Bill 32 (California Global Warming Solutions Act) to develop a forest carbon plan for the state. The team is composed of individuals from state agencies, federal agencies, and local governments. It is led by CalFire Director Ken Pimlott. 

The Center's comments covered these topics: 

Part of our mandate at the Center is to learn how different forest practices affect carbon, rigorously document the processes, and disseminate what are “best practices.” The Center hopes to continue to work with FCAT, Board, and CALFIRE staff as they move forward in this process.

A copy of the Center's written comments can be found below.