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According to the USDA "More than 90 percent of farms in the U.S. are classified as small, with a gross cash farm income of $250,000, or less." Small-scale farms are the backbone of how we can create a better food system, increase biodiversity, and create stronger communities. We support small-scale farmers at all phases of their farming business development to improve their farming operations. Our program aims to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate research and outreach in order to enhance the skills and abilities of socially disadvantaged, small-scale, limited-resource, and specialty crop producers of the Inland Empire.

Our Mission

  • Support the start-up, development, and success of small-scale and specialty crop producers in the Inland Empire.
  • To serve as an incubator of information for small-scale and specialty crop producers in the Inland Empire.
  • Empower small-scale and specialty crop producers to protect and preserve their natural resources.
  • Contribute to the strength and resiliency of safe local food systems in the Inland Empire's communities.

Why Small-Scale Matter

  • The Inland Empire small-scale and specialty crop producers foster small business opportunities, income production, and local food security.
  • Urban farms and community gardens improve access to fresh, healthy and affordable food, workforce training and job development, and neighborhood revitalization.
  • Small-Scale and specialty crop producers bolster biodiversity and protect and enhance natural resources and the environment.