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Invasive Species Action Week Lunchtime Talks


2023 Invasive Lunchtime Talks

Act Today to Protect Tomorrow. The 2023 Invasive Lunchtime Talks focused on Caulerpa, Participatory Science, Biological Control of Invasive Pests, EDRR for Invasive Plants, and Rapid Spread of Invasive Aquatic Plants in the SF Bay-Delta Estuary.


2022 Invasive Lunchtime Talks

The 2022 Invasive Species Action Week Lunchtime Talks were presented from noon to 1:00 p.m. on June 6 through 10.


2021 Invasive Lunchtime Talks
In 2021 we learned about the role participatory science plays in detecting and preventing invasive species - See last year's talks here.



2020 Invasive Lunchtime Talks
In 2020 we learned about new ways to detect and prevent invasive species - Dogs, DNA and Decontamination


2019 Invasive Lunches

2019 was the year of Killer Algae, Incestuous Beetles, and Rodents of Unusual Size.  See 2019's talks here!  

2018 Invasive Lunches

2018 was our first year! We learned about tree pests, aquatic invaders, and how invasive weeds and wildfire create a feedback loop.