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Download complete 2012 Turfgrass Field Day booklet

7:00 am Registration and Trade Show

8:00 Welcome and Announcements

Peggy Mauk and Jim Baird

8:20-9:40 Field Tour Rotation #1 (20 minutes/stop)

Stop #1: NTEP Perennial Ryegrass Ancillary Traffic Test

Brent Barnes

Stop #2: Groundcovers for Water Conserving Landscapes

(Groundcove tables)

Don Merhaut and Dennis Pittenger

Stop #3: Everything Buffalograss - Weeds, Traffic, Management

David Shaw

Stop #4: Overview of DWR Project to Document Health of 30 Mixed-Species

Landscape Sites Throughout CA Under 3 ET Regimes

Janet Hartin

9:40-10:20 Break, Refreshments, and Trade Show

10:20-11:40 Field Tour Rotation #2 (20 minutes/stop)

Stop #5: Management of Anthracnose and Dollar Spot Diseases

Tyler Mock, Ryan Nichols and Peggy Mauk

Stop #6: Evaluation of Products for Salinity Management

Brent Barnes

Pathogenicity and Virulence of a Coachella Valley Root-Knot Nematode Population on Bentgrass

Hannes Witte, Antoon Ploeg, and J. Ole Becker

Stop #7: Evaluation of Products for Water Stress Management Using a Linear Gradient Irrigation System

Chris Hohn and Nick Hoisington

Stop #8: Drought and Irrigation Salinity Effects on Perennial Ryegrass

Alea Miehls, Don Suarez and David Crowley

Stop #9: Tall Fescue and Bermudagrass Establishment and Management Using Drip vs. Overhead Irrigation

Bernd Leinauer and Matteo Serena

11:45-12:45 What's Happening Under the Tent?

Stop #10: Pesticide Spill Control and Heat Stress

Sylvia Gutierez

12:45-2:00 Barbeque Lunch and Trade Show

1:30-2:00 Kikuyugrass Anonymous

(van transportation to and from Kikuyugrass research area)

Stop #11: Cultural and Chemical Management Factors Affecting Kikuyugrass Quality and Performance

Tyler Mock, Jim Baird and Larry Stowell


Continuing Education Hours

DPR Credits: 2 hours (other); 1 hour (Laws and Regulations)

Exhibitor Tent: 2 hours, 30 minutes


Gold Sponsors:

DuPont Professional Products

Simplot Partners

Bayer CropScience


Gantec Turf Care

Silver Sponsors:


Green Sponsors:

Dow AgroScience

West Coast Turf


BASF Turf and Ornamental

California Turfgrass and Landscape Foundation

Crop Production Services

Dow AgroSciences

Ewing Irrigation

Gowan USA

Grigg Brothers


KISS America

Stover Seed Company

Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance

West Coast Turf