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Social Capital Webinar Registration


Good Afternoon Colleagues,

Thanks for expressing interest in our Multistate Research Project: Contribution of 4-H Participation to the Development of Social Capital within Communities (NCERA215). You may have stopped by our Ripple Mapping Poster during the 2015 Urban Extension Conference in Atlanta, expressed interest during NAE4-HA taskforce meetings, or may have reached out individually to one of our team members. Well, we are finally ready to present the National Rollout Webinar to interested states/programs!

The exciting news is that it’s not too late to join our effort! We are currently welcoming states/counties/cities that:
1. Want to join this multi-state research team
2. Are interested in utilizing the social capital survey instrument in their state/county/city

If you are interested in joining this multi-state research project or learning more, we invite you to join us for our National Rollout Webinar scheduled for January 12, 2016 @ 2:00 p.m. EST by completing the survey below.  A link to the webinar will be sent to you upon completion and submission  of the survey.



Nia Imani Fields and Keith C. Nathaniel
Multi-state NCERA215 Research Team Members