Yu-Chen Wang

Farm Advisor Plant Pathology
Cooperative Extension Santa Cruz County
1430 Freedom Boulevard, Suite E
Watsonville, CA 95076-2796
yckwang@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Monterey County
San Benito County


M.S. Plant Protection, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. 2022
M.S. Horticulture Crop Science, National Taiwan University. 2018


Plant Pathology


Plant pathology


Peer Reviewed

  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Mansouri, Mojtaba; Hewavitharana, Shashika; Holmes, Gerald (2024). Effect of cultivar and temperature on disease development of Macrophomina root rot in Strawberry. Plant Health Progress.
  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Hewavitharana, Shashika; Holmes, Gerald (2024). Two-year survey of Botrytis fruit rot levels in commercial strawberry fields in California with and without fungicide applications. International journal of fruit science.
  • Zima, Hannah; Clark, Kelley; Klosterman, Steve; Wang, Yu-Chen; Correl, Jim (2023). Evaluation of spinach cultivars for downy mildew resistance in San Juan Bautista, CA 2022. Plant Disease Management Reports.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Bolda, Mark; Wang, Yu-Chen; Lablanc, Nick (2023). Comment on Biological Solutions for Central Coast Agriculture. Strawberries and Caneberries Blog. July 19. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57189
  • Bolda, Mark; Wang, Yu-Chen (2023). Leaf Spot in Strawberry. Strawberries and Caneberries Blog. June 15. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57159
  • Bolda, Mark; Wang, Yu-Chen (2023). Recent Occurance of Downy Mildew in Central Coast Blackberries. Strawberries and Caneberries Blog. May 1. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=56782
  • Smith, Richard; Dundore-Arias, JP; Richardson, Kelley; Wang, Yu-Chen; Love, Tricai (2022). 2022 Lettuce Variety Tolerance to Pythium Wilt. Salinas Valley Agriculture Blog.
  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Hewavitharana, Shashika; Legard, Dan; Holmes, Gerald (2022). California survey of Botrytis fruit rot levels in commercial strawberry fields with and without fungicide applications. Phytopathology. 112:S3.1.
  • Westphal, Andreas; Wang, Yu-Chen; Becker, Jorn; Mitchell, Jeffrey; Gaudin, Amelie (2022). Cover cropping for nematode management in nut crop production. 7th International Congress of Nematology.
  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Hewavitharana, Shashika; Holmes, Gerald (2022). Host plant resistance for management of Macrophomina root rot in California strawberry. Phytopathology. 112:S3.1.
  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Smith, Richard; Hasegawa, Richard (2022). Infections of INSV on spinach and celery. Salinas Valley Agriculture Blog.
  • Wang, Yu-Chen; Thoden, Tim; Maung, Zinthuzar; Westphal, Andreas (2022). Sensitivity of Pratylenchus vulnus to Salibro nematicide in vitro and in planta. 7th International Congress of Nematology.

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