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Workgroup Information

Vegetable Crops

Summary The workgroup brings together people who share common interests in vegetable crop issues to promote effective communication and interaction among the members. These people include faculty, extension specialists, and farm advisors in the UC. The objectives of the workgroup are to: 1) form a network to discuss research on specific vegetable crops; 2) provide a forum for members to exchange insights and experiences in their work and research; 3) discuss ways of disseminating vegetable-related information such as encouraging members to collaborate and providing information via the Vegetable Research & Information Center web site.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Steven Fennimore (Chair)
Phone (831) 755-2896
Unit: Weed Science Program
Location: Weed Science Program, Department of Plant Sciences
One Shields Avenue
Robbins Hall
Davis, 95616
Name Brenna Aegerter (Co-Chair)
Phone 209-953-6114
Unit: San Joaquin County
Location: Cooperative Extension San Joaquin County
2101 East Earhart Avenue, Suite 200
Stockton, 95206
Membership List
AES Scientist
Adaskaveg, James Plant Pathology
  Professor and Plant Pathologist (test editing) Mycology, plant pathology, ecology and epidimiology of fungi (test edits)
Beckles, Diane Department of Plant Sciences
  Associate Professor of Postharvest Biochemistry Integrative posharvest biology of produce and grain; source-sink relations; starch and carbohydrate metabolism in crop plants.
Bostock, Richard Plant Pathology - CAES
  Distinguished Professor, Plant Pathologist-AES Physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of host-pathogen interaction; diseases of fruit and nut crops
Bradford, Kent Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist-AES   Vice-Chair for Instruction Seed physiology; biotechnology; stress physiology, hormonal physiology; plant and seed water relations
Chetelat, Roger Department of Plant Sciences
  Geneticist Director, C.M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center
Coffey, Michael Plant Pathology
  Professor   Plant Pathologist Phytophthora and Powdery Mildew Diseases and their control: Taxonomy, Systematics, Phylogeny and Molecular Diagnosis of Phytophthora. Powdery mildews: disease resistance, fungicides
Falk, Bryce Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Plant Pathologist-AES Plant virology, virus vector relationships, engineered resistance
Gilbertson, Robert Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Seed pathology, virology, insect-transmitted viruses
Horwath, William Soils & Biogeochemistry Program
  AES Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry Soil Biogeochemist Stable isotope studies, soil organic matter dynamics, soil fertility, sustainable agriculture, water quality, plant-microbe interactions, soil microbial biomass, denitrification, residue decomposition, root turnover.
LEVEAU, JOHAN Plant Pathology - CAES
  Assistant Professor
Melotto, Maeli Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Plant defenses against plant and human pathogens
Mesgaran, Mohsen Department of Plant Sciences
  Weed ecology and biology, Modeling
Michelmore, Richard Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Geneticist-AES Classical and molecular genetics of plants and pathogens; genome evolution
Norris, Robert Weed Science Program
  Emeritus Weed ecology with emphasis on population regulation, weed management, and integrated pest management in field crops. Weed management in sustainable agricultural systems.
Quiros, Carlos Department of Plant Sciences
  Emeritus Professor   Geneticist-AES Genetics of breeding of celery and brassicas, evolution of polyploids, molecular cytogenetics
Reid, Michael Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Postharvest biology and technology of ornamentals, cut flowers, flowering plants, foliage plants. Physiology of flowering and flowering control, chilling injury, mode of action of ethylene and inhibition of ethylene responses.
Rizzo, David Plant Pathology - CAES
  Department Chair and Professor Mycology; fungal diseases of woody plants, fungal ecology; forest pathology
Roberts, Philip UC Riverside
  Professor of Nematology
Scow, Kate Land, Air & Water Resources
  Distinguished Professor Soil Microbial Ecologist-AES Microbiology of carbon and nitrogen cycling in agricultural soils; impact of management practices on soil biodiversity; biodegradation and bioremediation of contaminants in groundwater and soil.
Shennan, Carol
  Professor Agroecology
Slaughter, David Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor Instrumentation and postharvest engineering for biological materials; packaging, handling, storage and transportation of agricultural commodities; nondestructive measurement of quality and composition of biological materials; robotics, control and vision
Sumner, Daniel Agricultural Issues Center
  Frank Buck Jr. Chair Professor Economics of Agricultural Issues
Trumble, John Entomology (UCR)
  Distinguished Professor Plant compensation for insect herbivory; impact of air and heavy metal pollution on plant-insect interactions; biological and microbial control in sustainable agriculture; chemical ecology; participate on the celery and tomato guidelines
Upadhyaya, Shrinivasa Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Professor Tillage and traction, soil dynamics, soil crusting and compactional; site-specific crop management, soil and yield sensors, GIS, precision planting of propagules; and mathematical modeling of biological problems.
Van Deynze, Allen Department of Plant Sciences
Yoder, John Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Geneticist-AES Molecular genetics of parasitic plant-host interactions; rhizosphere communications; structure-function relationships in plant genomes; molecular mechanisms and genetic consequences of transposition and recombination.
CE Advisor
Aegerter, Brenna San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor Vegetable Crops, Plant Pathology
Aguiar, Jose Riverside County, Palm Desert Office
  Farm Advisor Vegetable crops and small farms
Andrews, Ellie Sonoma County
  Specialty Crops Advisor, Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties Agroecology, Agronomy, Soil-Plant Water Dynamics, Nutrient Management, Plant Physiology, Soil Health
Aram, Kamyar Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Specialty Crops Advisor
Bachie, Oli Imperial County
  Imperial County Director Agronomy & Weed Management
Bianchi, Mary San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.
Biscaro, Andre Ventura County
  Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor Irrigation and nutrient management of berry and vegetable crops
Bolda, Mark Santa Cruz County
  Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries Strawberry and caneberry culture - horticulture, fertility, pest management practices, closed environment agriculture
Buchner, Richard Tehama County
  Orchard Advisor - Emeritus Pomology for Tehama County. Strawberry nursery production in North Coast & Mountain Region
Cahn, Michael Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Water Resources Irrigation & Water Resources
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Cohen, Hamutahl Ventura County
  Entomology Advisor
Dahlquist-Willard, Ruth Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Interim Director, UC SAREP
Daugovish, Oleg Ventura County
  Strawberry and Vegetable Crop Advisor Ag and Environmental Issues for Veg Crops and Strawberries
de la Fuente, Maria Monterey County
  Farm Advisor & Master Gardener Advisor Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties Mushrooms, compost, specialty vegetables, nursery crops, plant pathology and soil microbiology. Urban Horticulture and Master Composter Program UCCE Santa Clara.
Diekmann, Lucy Santa Clara County
  Urban Agriculture/Food Systems Advisor, Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties
Doan, Hung Riverside County
  Small Farms and Specialty Crops Advisor Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Vegetable and field crop pathology,Fruit and tree nuts pathology
Faber, Ben Ventura County
  Advisor Soils and water, avocados and minor subtropicals in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.
Fake, Cindy Placer-Nevada Counties
  Horticulture and Small Farms Advisor, Placer and Nevada Counties, Emeritus Commercial Horticultural Production
Gaskell, Mark San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Farm Advisor Specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Gazula, Aparna Santa Clara County
  Small Farm Advisor Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms
Goncalves, Clebson Lake County
  Diversified Agriculture Advisor - Lake & Mendocino Counties Diversified Agricultural Systems Area - Weed Science (Chemical and Organic Approaches), Integrated pest management, Ornamental Crops, and Turfgrass
Goodell, Peter Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level
Greer, Christopher San Luis Obispo County
  Area Cooperative Extension Advisor - Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management of Agricultural Crops
Gyawaly, Sudan Butte County
  Integrated Pest Management Advisor IPM
Hartin, Janet Los Angeles County
  Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor Environmental horticulture, urban greening, climate-ready trees, "Trees for Tomorrow" arboriculture, irrigation needs of landscape plants
Haviland, David Kern County
  Farm Advisor Entomologist and Pest Management. Advise in identification and control of Pest.
Kabashima, John Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Ornamental horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests, water runoff, water quality
Koike, Steven Monterey County
  Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Plant pathology research and education for vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops; plant disease diagnostics; food safey research and extension.
Kron, Cindy Sonoma County
  North Coast Area IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management, Entomology, Viticulture
Lazicki, Patricia Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Vegetable Crops Advisor
Le Strange, Michelle (Missy) Tulare County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Vegetable crops, turf & landscape management, weed management (vegetable crops, turf and ornamentals), Master Gardener Program Advisor
Lloyd, Margaret Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Small Farms Advisor Organic
Lobo, Ramiro San Diego County
  Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops
Long, Rachael Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor for Field Crops, Pest Management Pest management, agronomy, dry beans, alfalfa, water quality, oil seed crops
Marsh, Brian Kern County
  County Director/Farm Advisor Agronomy, cotton, small grains, corn and silage, weed control
Mccullough-Sanden, Blake Kern County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus (Retired) Irrigation, soil, water, agronomy, blackeyes, sugarbeets, safflower, alfalfa
Miyao, Eugene Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crops Processing tomato production.
Molinar, Richard Small Farm Program
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, organic farming, insect/weed management, specialty crops, sugar peas, strawberries, eggplant, squash, Asian vegetables such as basil, lemongrass, green beans, long beans, gailon, bittermelons, refugee farmers, Hmong, Lao, fluent in Spanish
Montazar, Aliasghar San Diego County
  UCCE Irrigation and Water Management Advisor Irrigation and water management, measurement and modeling of surface energy balance variables/ET and crop coefficients, irrigation scheduling, drainage and water quality, on-farm irrigation system management and evaluation, salinity management and control practices, deficit irrigation, environmental instrumentation and modelling.
Murray, Michael Glenn County
  "County Director, Farm Advisor, Emeritus" Vegetable crops, community development
Nunez, Juan Kern County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus (Retired) Vegetable crops
Pastrana Leon, Ana Maria Imperial County
  Plant Pathology Advisor Plant Pathology
Rijal, Jhalendra Stanislaus County
  Area IPM Advisor Entomology, insect pest management, insect mating disruption, insect spatial distribution and quantitative sampling, insect behavior and chemical ecology
Roncoroni, John Napa County
  Weed Science Farm Advisor, Emeritus Weed Control and Vegetation Management in Perennial Crops, Covercrops and Aquatic Weed Control
Sidhu, Jaspreet Kern County
  Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor
Singh, Manpreet Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Technology and Innovation for Small Farms Advisor
Singh, Paramveer Monterey County
  Area Agricultural Technology Advisor
Smith, Richard Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science
Spinelli, Gerardo San Diego County
  Production Horticulture Advisor Nurseries and Floriculture
Stapleton, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Plant Pathologist Integrated pest management; alternatives to synthetic chemical products for disease and pest control; solar energy in pest management; ecological engineering; pest issues in natural areas; biological, physical, and cultural management of reservoirs of weedy plant propagative materials; seed pathology; sustainable and appropriate pest management technologies; circular economy issues
Stoddard, C Scott Merced County
  County Director and Farm Advisor  Vegetable Crops and Soils Soil fertility and soil conservation, tomatoes, melons, sweetpotatoes, weed management
Surls, Rachel Los Angeles County
  Sustainable Food Systems Advisor Emeritus urban agriculture, urban gardening, food systems
Takele, Etaferahu San Bernardino County
  Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics Area Advisor - Farm Management /Agricultural Economics - Production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk managementSubtropical Fruit Crops (Citrus, Avocados) Vegetable crops, Field CropsRiverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angles, Orange and Ventura.
Tanner, Eddie Humboldt County Office
  Specialty Crops & Horticulture Advisor Plant science, soil health, high tunnels, organic systems, vegetables, strawberries, fruit trees, native plant landscaping
Tourte, Laura Santa Cruz County
  Farm Management Advisor - Emeritus
Turini, Thomas Fresno County
  Vegetable Crops Advisor Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Volk, Emma Ventura County
  Production Horticulture Area Advisor
Vossen, Paul Sonoma County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus (Sonoma & Marin Counties) Fruits / Vegetables / Marketing Tree fruits and nuts, vegetable crops, small farm specialty crops; marketing, Master Gardener Program, organic - sustainable production, olive oil, chestnuts, apples
Waisen, Philip Riverside County
  Vegetable Crops Advisor Plant Pathology/Nematology/ Nematode Ecology/Soil Health/Cover Crops
Wang, Zheng Stanislaus County
  Vegetable Crop Advisor Vegetable crops and irrigation
Wang, Yu-Chen Monterey County
  Farm Advisor Plant Pathology Plant pathology
Wilson, Rob Intermountain Research & Extension Center
  Farm Advisor Pest managment in vegetable and field crops; Potato variety development; Production of potatoes, onions, peppermint, and small grains
CE Specialist
Bali, Khaled Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Irrigation Water Management Specialist Irrigation and water management, irrigation systems, soil salinity, drainage, infiltration, water quality, TMDL, biosolids
Becker, Jorn Nematology Department
  Distinguished Professor of Cooperative Extension in Nematology & Distinguished Nematologist Integrated pest management of plant-parasitic nematodes
Bruno, Ellen Agricultural & Resource Economics & Policy
  CE Specialist in Quantitative Policy Analysis Agricultural economics, water resource economics
Cantwell, Marita Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Vegetable Specialist Postharvest physiology, handling, and storage of vegetables, including specialty and fresh cut vegetables.
Del Castillo Munera, Johanna Plant Pathology - CAES
  Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Basic biologic understanding of fungal and oomycete pathogens, and development of applied research to solve current problems that agriculture faces in greenhouse to the field. I am particularly interested in developing and improving sustainable solutions for disease control through studies of fungal and oomycete biology, population genetics and community ecology.
Donis-Gonzalez, Irwin Biological & Agricultural Engineering
  Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension in Postharvest Engineering Postharvest Engineering
Elmore, Clyde
Fennimore, Steven Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Specialist Weed control in cool-season vegetables, weed biology, weed seed germination. Automated weed managment with intelligent weeders. Soil disinfestation with steam in strawberry and vegetables.
Geisseler, Daniel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Cooperative Extension Specialist in Nutrient Management Nutrient management in crop production
Goodrich, Brittney Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist Economics of Sustainable Agricultural Management, Risk and Uncertainty, Pollination Economics
Grafton-Cardwell, Elizabeth Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist Citrus Integrated Pest Management
Grettenberger, Ian Entomology (UCD)
  Assistant Specialist in CE Field and vegetable crop IPM, insect ecology
Hanson, Bradley Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Chemical and non-chemical weed control in agricultural crops with a focus on herbicide peformance, resistance, crop safety, and environmental fate.
Harris, Linda J Food Science & Technology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Microbial food safety throughout the food chain with a focus on the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts.
Harter, Thomas Hydrology Program
  Distinguished Professor & Distinguished Professor in Cooperative Extension Flow and transport processes in groundwater and in the vadoze zone; non-point source pollution of groundwater; numerical and statistical modeling of non-point source pollution at the agriculture-groundwater nexus; sustainable groundwater management; integrated water management.
Hartz, Timothy Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Vegetable Crops Specialist Improved management regimes for commercial vegetable production, cultural practices for warm-season vegetable crops
Hutmacher, Robert Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist / AES Agronomist (retired) cotton production issues, irrigation mgmt, drip irrigation, sorghum, industrial hemp, water stress, nutrient mgmt
Jackson, Louise Land, Air & Water Resources
  Emerita Professor   CE Specialist   Plant Physiologist Plant and soil nitrogen dynamics; organic and conventional vegetable production; grassland restoration ecology; agrobiodiversity
Kaffka, Stephen Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist. Production and resource use efficiency of sugar, oilseed crops and other agronomic crops; Cropping systems and agroecology; biomass, bioenegy, bioproducts and related public policy issues; irrigation, salinity and drainage
Lanini, W Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Ecologist Ecology, weed crop competition, weed biology and low-input agriculture
Lemaux, Peggy Plant & Microbial Biology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Research interests focus on using 'omic technologies to understand interactions between plants, microbes and the environment. Efforts specifically focus on understanding abiotic and biotic stresses and carbonsequestration to combate climate change. Outreach efforts focus on communicating about food, agriculture and modern genetic technologies.
Lundy, Mark Department of Plant Sciences
  Associate CE Specialist Grain Cropping Systems, resource use efficiency, integrating technology into production practices, nitrogen and carbon cycling in crop-soil systems, genotype x environment x management interactions, phenotyping, remote/proximal sensing technologies
Mcgiffen Jr., Milton Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist Vegetable Crops, Invasive Species, Weed Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Mitchell, Jeffrey Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Cropping Systems Specialist Vegetable cropping systems, irrigation management, soil quality, organic soil amendments, extension models, postharvest physiology
Muramoto, Joji UC Santa Cruz - Cooperative Extension Specialist
  CE Specialist Organic Production, Soil Health, Nitrogen Management in Organic Systems, Soilborne Disease Management in Organic Systems
Nemati, Mehdi Dean's Office CNAS
  Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy Environmental and Water Resource Economics, Agricultural Economics, Applied Econometrics
Pathak, Tapan UC Merced - Cooperative Extension Specialist
  Specialist in Climate Adaptation in Ag Applied climate in agriculture
Pettygrove, G. Land, Air & Water Resources
  CE Soils Specialist Emeritus Soil fertility; land application of wastes and wastewater; dairy manure; winegrape nutrition; precision agriculture.
Ploeg, Antoon Nematology Department
  Nematology Specialist Management of plant-parasitic nematodes in field and vegetable crops.
Putman, Alexander Plant Pathology
  Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension and Assistant Plant Pathologist Vegetable and strawberry crops; epidemiology and disease management; downy mildew diseases; soilborne pathogens
Sandoval Solis, Samuel Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Resources Water Resources Management, Environmental Flows, Agricultural Water management, Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Science Communication
Sayre, James Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension International Trade, Climate Change
Subbarao, Krishna Plant Pathology - CAES
  Plant Pathologist, CE Specialist Epidemiology, population biology, and integrated control of plant pathogens
Suslow, Trevor Department of Plant Sciences
  Extension Research Specialist Emeritus Preharvest to Postharvest Microbial food safety systems,postharvest transportation, Postharvest pathology
Swett, Cassandra Plant Pathology - CAES
  CE Specialist Vegetable and field crop pathology
Teviotdale, Beth Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Plant Pathologist, Emeritus Epidemiology and control of deciduous tree nut and fruit crops and olive diseases
Voss, Ronald Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Emeritus and  Extension Vegetable Specialist Vegetable production, potatoes, onion, garlic, specialty crops, agricultural diversification, home gardening, small farms, sustainable agriculture, international agricultural development
Wang, Selina Food Science & Technology
  Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension Food chemistry, quality and purity; fruit and Vegetable Processing
Westerdahl, Becky Nematology CAES
  CE Specialistáá Professor Applied nematology, integrated pest management
Wu, Laosheng Environmental Sciences
  Professor of Soil & Water Science/CE Water Management Specialist Soil Physics, Water Management, Water Reuse, Soil Salinity
Zaccaria, Daniele Land, Air & Water Resources
  Associate Professor and Agricultural Water Management Specialist in Cooperative Extension Agricultural water management and irrigation
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other ANR
Baur, Matthew Western IPM Center
  Director, Western IPM Center
Brodt, Sonja Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Academic Coordinator (Agriculture & Environment), UC SAREP Agriculture and Environment
Cherry, Marianna Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Writing, Editing
Conselman, Samantha Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Writer/ Editor 3
Diaz-Ramirez, Jairo Desert Research & Extension Center
  Director Water Resources
Dreistadt, Steve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Principal Editor IPM, ornamentals, landscape, biological control
Farrar, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Director, Statewide IPM Program IPM, integrated pest management, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi
Hickman, Krystle Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Senior Producer-Director
Kosina, Petr Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Content Development Supervisor
Lopez, Andrew
  IPM Staff Research Associate II
Martin, Tunyalee Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Communications Leads UC IPM communications, manages IPM publication projects, and supervises editorial and technical staff developing and producing IPM outreach materials for Web and print.
McKerracher, Chris Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Pest Management Guidelines (PMG) Coordinator
Moua, Vong Stanislaus County
  Staff Research Associate II
Neumann, Jennifer Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Writer/Editor 3
Parreira-Zweier, Stephanie Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Writer/Editor
Tian, Shufang Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Small Farms IPM Lead Coordinator
Wauters, Vivian Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Project Scientist Wauters is working with Sonja Brodt on a project to support co-learning and institutional capacity-building within a multi-organizational network to help accelerate adoption of climate-adaptive and climate-mitigating practices among California farmers.
Becerra-Alvarez, Aaron
Benes, Sharon
  Professor Salinity, Crop Nutrition, Soil Science
Hernandez, Paulina Small Farm Program
  Community Education Specialist II Small Farms Program Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito County
Masson, Robert
  Assistant Ag Extension Agent
Mosqueda, Elizabeth
Pena, Marco
Shrestha, Anil
  Professor Weed Science
(info only) Tickes, Barry
Other UC
Arnold, Kari Foundation Plant Services - CAES
  IR-4 Western Region Field Coordinator Ensuring that specialty crop farmers have legal access to safe and effective crop protection products.
DeBiase, Ria UC Davis
Perez, Gale Department of Plant Sciences
  Public Education Specialist
Romano, Sam
  Marketing Specialist
Stover-Blackburn, Julia Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
Taniguchi, Kevin Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center
Membership Totals
Number of Members162
ANR Members154
Info Only1
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