Eric Natwick

Entomology Advisor, emeritus
UC Cooperative Extension - Imperial County
1050 East Holton Road
Holtville, CA 92250-9615
(442) 265-7700 Create VCard


--, University of Wyoming. 1980


  • Distinguished Service Award Outstanding Research - Advisor
    Presented by UC ANR,  1994


Entomology, Pest Management

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Wintermantel, W. M.; Gilbertson, R. L.; McCreight, J. D.; Natwick, E. T. (2016). "Host-specific relationship between virus titer and whitefly transmission of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus." Plant Dis.  100(1):92-98.

  • Batuman, O.; Natwick, E. T., et al. (2015). "First Report of an Ipomovirus Infecting Cucurbits in the Imperial Valley of California." Plant Disease 99(7): 1042.
  • J., McCreight.; Wintermantel, W.; Natwick, E. (2013). "Host plant resistance to Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus and Bemisia tabaci in melon: status and prospects." HortScience 48(9): S130. 

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