- Author: JoLynn Miller
On Tuesday October 1st, 4-H Member Belle, Tuolumne County 4-H Ambassador, and Rosemary Giannini, 4-H Community Education Specialist, made a presentation to the Tuolumne Board of Supervisors requesting October 5-12 be proclaimed 4-H Week in Tuolumne County.
Rosemary began by citing the research which show 4-H members are four times more likely to make contributions to their communities, two times more likely to participate in science programs during out-of-school time, and nearly two times more likely to make healthy choices.
Then Belle came to podium to talk about her involvement in 4-H and the impact it has had on her life. The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors have historically been a vocal advocate for our program and this time was no different. The four members in attendance that day all had special comments to share about 4-H.
Supervisor Sherri Brennan, District 1, was wearing a 4-H pin on her lapel. She was the first to speak:
“The program is a success because of the committed volunteers that support it. We need to acknowledge and thank them!” ~Supervisor Sherri Brennan, District 1
“I was a judge at a 4-H event this year. To see 6, 10, & 16 year-olds that are more intelligent & better spoken than I am and I was there to judge them. I thought, "I'm not qualified to judge this!” A bit of humor, a bit of truth by Supervisor Ryan Campbell, District 2, “Thank you to the organizers of 4-H. You're building the leaders that will be taking the reins in our community down the road.”
“You want my chair?” Board Chair, Supervisor Karl Rodefer, District 5 joked in response to Belle's account of how 4-H has helped her grow as a leader. They were pretty impressed with her public speaking skills.
When Supervisor Daniel Anaiah Kirk, District 3 asked Belle what she wanted to be when she grew up (answer-nursing) he said: “Well you're on the track to do whatever you want because you're very well spoken. 4-H prepares young people for success.”
Supervisor Kirk also shared how he was in 4-H as a youth and has good memories of his experience. He is looking forward to enrolling his kids in 4-H "because of the life skills that it will give to them."
“You're really a class act. If you're the poster person for 4-H, I think 4-H is very well represented.” Board Chair, Supervisor Karl Rodefer, District 5.
"4-H develops the next generation of leaders for this county, this state, and this nation.”
~Board Chair, Supervisor Karl Rodefer, District 5
The measure to proclaim October 5 - 12 as National 4-H Week in Tuolumne County passed unanimously.
- Author: Sandra Derby
- Explore current issues
- Investigate as a forester
- Engage in field studies
These sessions will inspire you to create your own version of Project Learning Tree that will enhance the unique adventures of 4-H summer camp.
Building on the support of the American Forest Foundation, UC Cooperative Extension, and CA Project Learning Tree, we are working together to introduce and integrate PLT ideas and activities into 4-H Programs. Our goal is to integrate forest ecology and field skills into the amazing experience of summer camps all over California.
Sign up for one, two, or all three sessions
Participants in each session will receive an activity folder with ideas and resource materials.
If you attend all three sessions, you will receive a free K-8 Project Learning Tree Guide with over 90 activities.
PLT Session I: California Naturalist
Participants will explore the amazing forest environment through Project Learning Tree activities and learn strategies to integrate naturalist explorations into the 4-H Camp experience. Some favorite activities we will engage in…Looking at Leaves, The Fallen Log, Every Tree for Itself….and make a clay leaf print to take home!
Being a Naturalist/ nature journaling/ leaf prints:
- Looking at Leaves
- Fallen Log
- Every Tree for Itself
PLT Session II: Forest Steward
Participants will learn how to take action as citizen stewards. Hike into the forest and observe what makes this environment so uniquely essential for a healthy California. Learn how to map a field study area using basic tools and design a field investigation through inquiry study. And learn what opportunities are out there to connect with community efforts, engage in studies with researchers, and initiate action in your own 4-H Camps and local communities.
Working the tools/ actions for Citizen Science and Stewardship:
- Trees As Habitats
- Soil Stories
- How Big is Your Tree
PLT Session III: Forestry Challenge!
Participants will be engaged in several forestry investigations to understand how foresters manage and ensure healthy forests. Each investigation will lead to team work, exploration, and ultimately the Forestry Challenge! We will show you how to design an exciting and fun challenge for your camp program!
Challenge your skills and knowledge:
- How Big is Your Tree II
- Trees in Trouble
- Living with Fire
Developed by the PLT Camp Program Development Committee
The PLT Camp Program Development Committee is responsible for the design, development and delivery of enhanced Project Learning Tree training and materials in 4-H Camp programming. Their goal is the integration of selected PLT field based activities, focused on the ecology of CA forests, into existing camp programs resulting in strengthened environmental based learning for camp participants.
Learn more about Project Learning Tree in California! Contact Sandra Derby at stderby@ucanr.edu with any questions.
Sign up for the California 4-H Camping Conference!
2018 California 4-H Camping Conference
April 6 - 8, 2018
Redwood Glen Camp
100 Wright Drive, Loma Mar, CA 94021
The 2018 California 4-H Camping Conference brings together the adults and teen leaders who help plan and administer camping programs across California in a weekend of hands-on training, networking, and learning experiences.
The California 4-H Camping Conference is held every other year. Don't miss this great learning opportunity to make the best camps better!
*You do not have to be part of a 4-H Camp to participate. Please contact Marianne Bird at mbird@ucanr.edu if you are not a current 4-H member or volunteer.
- Author: Regina O'Brien
- Editor: Jenna Colburn
Regina O'Brien was one of the delegates representing California 4-H at the 2017 Citizenship Washington Focus-Presidential Inauguration. For the first time, 4-H'ers were invited to attend the presidential inauguration. This was not about politics or supporting specific candidates. Planning for this event started a year in advance. Participants and chaperones had to sign up by April 2016, way before the November election. This unique experience was about giving 4-H youth an opportunity to witness in person a key feature of our democracy - a peaceful transfer of power.
Delegates participated in the standard program of a Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) Conference, with the addition of being able to witness a presidential inauguration in person. The National 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus conference is an annual event that invites 4-H youth from around the country to learn about civic engagement in our nation's capital.
Reading about Regina's experience at the Citizenship Washington Focus conference – it may inspire you to sign up for next year's CWF!
My Trip to CWF-PI
by Regina O'Brien, Santa Rosa Valley 4-H, Ventura County
In January of this year, I attended Citizenship Washington Focus-Presidential Inauguration, also known as CWF-PI for short. CWF-PI, which is normally held in the summer, was a special edition of a program that outlined these special topics:
- The meaning and importance of our democracy
- The history of the president
- The election process
- The role of the media
- Discovering the intricacies of the Executive Branch
- Careers in politics
We got to practice our role as citizens and what citizenship is to us
There were 26 delegates in total from our state of California--21 4-H'ers and 5 parent chaperones. We attended workshops, sessions, and huddles. We held our own mock election to run for president of CWF-PI, where I ran for election (and no, I didn't win).
The workshops included topics such as the role of our media reporting the facts and being the center of communication that emphasized our 1st amendment right of Freedom of Speech. I also got to attend workshops where we had speakers tell us about how important it is to think beyond yourself and better your own community. I really enjoyed all of our activities in our workshops, such as creating our own front newspaper article.
I think what stuck with me the most about citizenship was when one of the speakers defined it as, “what you do with your gum wrapper when no one is looking.”
Meeting people from other states
I got to meet people from as far as Alaska, and participated in a ‘pin trade' where we brought stuff with us representative of our respective states and got to bring back with us assortments of trinkets. I got pins from Florida all the way to Wisconsin. We all stayed together at the National 4-H Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland. I had 3 roommates from different parts of California.
Sightseeing in D.C.
At night, despite many road closures, we got to do some sightseeing in DC and visited the presidential memorials for Thomas Jefferson and Franklin Roosevelt as well as the Martin Luther King memorial. We also visited the Lincoln Memorial, which was set up for the platforms to celebrate President-Elect Trump arriving in D.C. for the welcome celebration the next day. In addition to the memorials, we also went to the National Archives and saw the original Constitution, Articles of Confederation, and Declaration of Independence. Our group split up to go the Smithsonian museums. I chose the Air and Space Museum and got to see a little of the Natural History Museum. My mom chose to go to the American History Museum. A little-known fact is that admission to every Smithsonian museum is free!
The Presidential Inauguration
My mom had previously gotten us tickets to the red area to see the Inauguration in the morning. It was an exciting and historical moment to witness the peaceful transition of power.
After the Inauguration, we went to the Newseum to meet up with the rest of our group and enjoy a buffet catered by Wolfgang Puck and a front row seat to the Inaugural Parade.
That same night, we went on a dinner dance and cruise on the Potomac where we crossed over into Virginia.
CWF-PI was a once in a lifetime experience and I recommend that other 4-H'ers attend this event in the future.
Note: The Presidential Inauguration is held every four years so the next CWF-PI would be in 2021.
Register by Dec. 17 for the 2018 Citizenship Washington Focus
Registration is now open for next year's Citizenship Washington Focus conference, being held June 16 to 23, 2018. A special add-on for California 4-H delegates is the option of an extended trip, which continues after the conference through June 26 and includes visits to Gettysburg, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. See the Citizenship Washington Focus event page to learn more. Register by December 17, 2017 to save your space.
- Author: Santiago Piva
- Author: Fiona Reyes
The 4-H Youth Development Program (4-H) and Google are coming together for a first-of-kind collaboration to bring computer science, computational thinking, communication, and collaboration skills to kids across the country, establishing a 4-H Computer Science (CS) Career Pathway.
The goal of the collaboration between 4-H and Google is to empower the next generation to succeed in any career field. Beyond the technical skills, learning CS builds skills in a wide range of important areas, including problem solving, digital fluency, and creativity.
Starting in Santa Clara County
During this first year, we hope reach an estimated 700 youth across Santa Clara County, mentor new teen leaders, have more 4-H adult volunteers leading CS projects in their community clubs, provide opportunities for non-traditional audiences to learn more about 4-H and computer science, and expand the scope of 4-H in Santa Clara County.
Expanding to other counties
We are working on a project plan that other counties can use to start their own CS programs. Our goal for this is to have 10 counties launching projects in July 2018. We'll be offering trainings for interested teen and adult leaders.
Stay informed
Fill out the interest survey for CS Pathways to learn more, stay informed, and give input to the development of the CS program statewide.
Meet our 4-H Computer Science Pathways team
4-H Teen Leaders Fiona Reyes and Santiago Piva are working with Google employee and 4-H volunteer Curtis Ullerich; Santa Clara County 4-H Program Representative Claudia Damiani; and 4-H Youth Development Program Advisor Fe Moncloa.
We are very excited for the upcoming year! There are so many different opportunities in computer science and we would like to invite you to come and explore them with us. In addition to the ten-week long computer science project, we will be hosting computer science booths at festivals and fairs, leading computer science activities at club meetings, giving workshop presentations at 4-H and non 4-H conferences, and much more!
- Author: Kate Lyn Sutherland
- Author: Suzanne Morikawa
Over 200 youth participants attended State Leadership Conference (SLC) on July 20-23 at UC Davis. The SLC Planning Committee came up with the theme, "DRIVE-Find your place on the map." The focus of the conference was on finding what is important to you, making a plan and getting there.
Alumni join the Opening Kickoff
The 4-H Foundation invited alumni and friends to an Alumni and Friends Nite Out just before the start of SLC. After an early dinner at a nearby restaurant, they joined the youth delegates at the Opening Kickoff. Socializing and networking between youth and alumni was a highlight for both sides!
Keynote Speaker: Houston Kraft
Houston gave a dynamic presentation on "Making Kindness Normal" to our young leaders. Houston is a professional speaker, leadership consultant, and kindness advocate who speaks to middle schools, high schools, colleges, and businesses across the country. He has spoken to nearly a half a million people nationwide at nearly 500 events and counting. He believes that real change comes through more than just motivation, so he has created tools like CharacterStrong and conversations like the Choose Love Movement to make sure that his work isn't just about good feelings or a positive message - it's about making real, practical, sustainable change. http://www.houstonkraft.com/
Covering topics ranging from Mindfulness to Bullying Prevention
Participants attended assemblies, workshops, and recreational events while networking with 4-H'ers from all across California. Workshops covered topics like mindfulness, robotics, bullying prevention and more. All of the workshops and activities were planned entirely by youth volunteers on the SLC Planning Team.
Daily Newscasts
For more photos and to see video highlights of the event, see the SLC event page.
Planning for SLC in 2018 is starting!
Interested in having a part in planning SLC? Apply for the 2018 SLC Planning Team! Applications are open now - apply by September 29th. For more information check the SLC Planning Team page.