- Author: Dong-Hwan Choe
Kevin Welzel in Choe laboratory has successfully defended his PhD today.
It is now official - Dr. Welzel!

- Author: Dong-Hwan Choe
Kevin Welzel (PhD graduate student in Choe laboratory) was invited as an entomologist for Ant-Man movie premiere (Dolby Theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles) on June 29th, 2015.
There was a big formicarium (ant farm) set up at the end of the red carpet. Kevin's responsibilities were basically standing in front of the formicarium and answering all of the "bug-related questions" from the people who walked on the red carpet. Apparently, the event organizer purchased a bunch of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis (western harvester ant) for the formicarium.
Here are some pictures from the event.
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