- (Focus Area) Natural Resources
- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
University of California Small Grains - Alfalfa/Forages Field Day
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences Field Headquarters
2400 Hutchison Dr., Davis, CA 95616, Davis, CA
8:00-4:30 Includes Lunch
The annual UC Small Grains/Alfalfa-Forages Field Day will be held on May 15th at the University of California, Davis
- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
When: Saturday, May 11
Time: 9:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Ruth McKenzie Table Mountain Preserve (22477 Auberry Rd, Clovis, CA 93619, Fresno County)
There will be a hands-on, field-based extension day exploring weed identification, management options, and local best practices for the control of problem vegetation inrangelend systems on May 11 at RuthMacKenzie Table Mountain Preserve (22477 Auberry...
- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
Are you considering introducing cover crops into your production system?
Are you wanting to plant hedgerows or wind breaks?
Are you interested in prescribed grazing?
Are you implementing reduced or no-tillage practices?
If your are 1) interested in adopting these or other conservation management strategies (i.e. reduce tillage, riparian plantings, compost additions, etc...) or if your are interested in 2) showcasing your successful implementation of conservation techniques, then there may be funding available to you through CDFA's Healthy Soils Program (HSP).
The HSP has two components:
- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
Water and water management are crucial to the continuing agricultural prosperity of the San Joaquin Valley. Consequently, the region is lucky to have not one BUT TWO symposia this month discussing water quantity, quality , and management in the Central Valley. Please consider attending if you can.
Merced County Farm Bureau Water Symposium
February 21st, 2019
This event, hosted by the Merced County Farm Bureau at the UC Cooperative Extension Center (2145...
- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
1. 2019 California Plant and Soil Conference
February 5-6, 2019
DoubleTree Hotel & Fresno Convention Center
2233 Ventura Street, Fresno, CA 93721
Tel: 559-268-1000. http://calasa.ucdavis.edu
CA-ASA Conference Registration Fees
Early registration fees through Monday, January 29th:
- Full (both days) professional:...