- Author: Lynn M. Sosnoskie
University of California Small Grains - Alfalfa/Forages Field Day
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences Field Headquarters
2400 Hutchison Dr., Davis, CA 95616, Davis, CA
8:00-4:30 Includes Lunch
The annual UC Small Grains/Alfalfa-Forages Field Day will be held on May 15th at the University of California, Davis Department of Plant Sciences Field Headquarters on Hutchinson Road (west of Highway 113) from 8AM – 4:30PM.
The event showcases UC efforts in breeding and agronomic research related to small grains, alfalfa and forage crops and is one of the longest running field days in the state. The small grains portion will take place from 8 to noon and the alfalfa/forages section will take place between 12:40 and 4:30. A barbecue lunch will be provided.
7:30 Registration (no charge)
8:00 Start of Small Grains Program
8:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:35 Malting Barley & Oat Breeding: Alicia del Blanco, UC Davis
8:45 Barley Breeding for Food, Feed and Forage: Allison Krill-Brown, UC Davis
9:00 New Wheat Varieties: Oswaldo Chicaiza, UC Davis
9:15 Breeding Triticales for Bread and Forage: Josh Hegarty, UC Davis
9:25 Increasing Grain Size and Number: Alejandra Alvarez, UC Davis
9:35 A New Gene Controlling Number of Grains Per Spike: Saarah Kuzay, UC Davis
9:40 Balancing Source and Sink to Increase Yield: Jorge Dubcovsky, UC Davis
10:00 Herbicide Programs for Barley and Wheat: small grain herbicides and maximizing efficacy for control: Lynn Sosnoski, UC Cooperative Extension
10:20 Italian Ryegrass: Updates on Cultivation vs Herbicide Trials: resistance and methods for control: Konrad Mathesius, UC Cooperative Extension
10:30 Warm-season legume cover crop between winter small grains: Michelle Leinfelder-Miles, UC Cooperative Extension (This project was supported by the California Climate Investments program.)
10:45 Using Nitrogen Rich Reference Zones to Guide Wheat Topdress Decisions in the Sacramento Valley: Sarah Light, UC Cooperative Extension
10:55 Yield and Protein Stability for Wheat and Triticale Varieties Grown under N and Terminal Drought Stress: Mark Lundy, UC Cooperative Extension
11:05 Updates on UC Statewide Small Grain Trials: Seasonal conditions, pests and diseases, nitrogen management, and extension efforts: Mark Lundy, UC Cooperative Extension
11:15 Comments from breeders with entries in UC Statewide Small Grain Trials
11:30 UC Statewide Small Grain Trial Observations
11:50 Return for lunch
12:00 BARBEQUE LUNCH – Sponsored by CCIA – Many thanks to the staff at CCIA!
12:40 Start of Alfalfa and Forage Portion
12:40 Welcome and Introductions—Dan Putnam, UCCE/UCD Alfalfa Specialist
12:50 Managing Alfalfa in a Wet Year- What are the Diseases?-How to Help your Fields Recover? Rachael Long, UCCE Farm Advisor, Yolo County, Woodland, CA
1:05 IPM and Managing for Weevil Resistance in Alfalfa – Ian Grettenberger, Entomology Specialist, UC Davis, CA
1:20 Evaluation of N Stabilizers in Corn –Michelle Leinfelder Miles, UCCE Farm Advisor, Delta Region.
1:35 Forage Sorghum as a Summer Option: Controlling Sugarcane Aphid in Sorghum/ Sudangrass—Nick Clark, UCCE Farm Advisor, Kings/Fresno/Tulare Counties
1:50 Innovations in Overhead Irrigation – How that might improve Water Use Efficiency—Isaya Kisseka, UC Davis Professor, Irrigation Technology
2:10 Fun with Drones –Detecting Pest and Diagnosing Problems with Aerial Photography—Umair Gull, UC Davis Graduate Student, Plant Sciences.
2:25 Controlling Difficult Weeds in Alfalfa—Lynn Sosnoskie, UCCE Farm Advisor, Merced County.
2:50 Alternative Crops Research—Kura Clover, Switchgrass, Hemp—Dan Putnam, UC Davis
3:05 Reduced Lignin Alfalfa Varieties and Interactions with Harvest Scheduling—Brenda Perez, Graduate Student UC Davis
3:20 Analyzing Alfalfa Varieties for Pest Resistance (Nematodes, Insects, Diseases) and other characteristics—Dan Putnam, UC Davis
3:35 Alfalfa and Tall Fescue Breeding Programs at UC Davis –Charlie Brummer and students, UC Davis.
3:50 Test your Weed ID IQ: Weed Identification—Brad Hanson, UC Davis
4:15 Return to Headquarters
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