- Author: Anne Schellman
From the Master Gardeners to your family, we hope you have a wonderful holiday. The Master Gardener Program staff and volunteers are thankful to Stanislaus County! Thank you to our CEO's Office and Board of Supervisors for believing in our program and supporting it since 2018.
We look forward to bringing more programming on topics you care about like planting and pruning bare root fruit trees, spring vegetable gardening, culinary herbs, and how to create a wildlife habitat in your backyard (just to name a few). Stay tuned for upcoming class announcements!
- Author: Anne E Schellman
Thanks to everyone who donated to our Learning Landscape campaign for #GivingTuesday. We raised a total of $1,500. Thank you for your generosity in supporting a healthier California. We look forward to sharing information and progress with you about our project in the new year.
If you didn't have a chance to watch our video, you can still catch it on YouTube.
- Author: Anne E Schellman
Good morning everyone! We are excited to launch our Learning Landscape campaign for the UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardeners. We had a lot of fun putting together this video for you.
Hear short, heartfelt comments from Master Gardeners about why they are invested in this project, and a 20-minute presentation by Dr. Kari Arnold going over the campaign from start to finish, including blueprints, plans, and purpose.
To give today (and be matched while funds last) please visit https://ucanr.edu/sites/GivingTuesday/ then select Stanislaus County Master Gardeners from the drop down menu. This will direct you to the payment page. Only credit card donations are being matched, but if you prefer to donate by check, please:
Make checks payable to UC Regents
Send to:
UCCE Stanislaus Master Gardener Program
3800 Cornucopia Way, Suite A
Modesto, CA 95358
For in-kind donations, please contact aschellman@ucanr.edu to discuss details or ask any questions.
Thanks for considering our project! We will keep you posted next week with our donation total!
#GivingTuesday is a great way to help us be the most reliable source of high-quality, research-based gardening information in Stanislaus County.
Next week, you will hear personally from some of our Master Gardeners about an upcoming project they are very excited about! Stay tuned for another blog post AND a fun video.
p.s. You don't have to wait to give; you can support us anytime by visiting the UCCE Stanislaus County Fund page at https://donate.ucanr.edu/?fund_id=1050 Choose “UCCE Master Gardeners” from the drop down list to make your donation online.
Or, send a check made out to UC Regents to:
UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardeners,
3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A
Modesto, CA 95358
- Author: Anne E Schellman
Our dedicated group of trainees began an intensive learning program in January, meeting each week for 4 ½ hours. They heard form expert speakers from University of California on topics including soils, water management, ornamental plants, drought tolerant plants, turf management, landscape tree care, integrated pest management, weed identification and management, fruit and nut tree care, vegetable gardening, and so much more!
During the classes, we had hands-on learning activities, plenty of time for questions, all while enjoying delicious potluck food. Everything was going smoothly. In mid-March, we learned that due to COVID-19, we could no longer meet in person. Several UCCE Master Gardener Programs across the state canceled their trainings.
We are so proud of this new group of 31 Master Gardeners who have joined our 2019 class to make a total of 55 UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardeners! Although they cannot be out in the community just yet, we are finding opportunities for them to share their knowledge through Zoom, our help line, and other projects.
Will there be a 2021 Master Gardener Class?
We know that many of you are disappointed. We feel this way as well. If you are interested in the next program, and haven't signed up yet, please fill out this survey at https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=28350
We will contact you when it is time to start recruiting for our next class.