- Author: Anne Schellman
Called or visited the Stanislaus County UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Help Line and gotten information on what to do about a pest or gardening problem.
Learned something new from a class at a Garden Club, local Stanislaus County Library, Workshop at the Ag Center, or one of our online classes from our YouTube Channel.
Attended an event such as the Stanislaus County Fair, A Wellness Fair for county employees, the Pollinator Garden Event, Earth Day, or a Farmers Market booth and spoken with a Master Gardener.
Read our newsletter, The Stanislaus Sprout and gained helpful gardening and pest management information.
Are a current Master Gardener and would like to give to support the program.
All funds go DIRECTLY to our program.
Prize Challenge Awards
Online gifts made between noon on May 19 and 11:59 a.m. on May 20 may help programs qualify for prize challenge awards! Donations can be made at http://donate.ucanr.edu/givingday.
Checks Accepted
If you prefer sending a check instead of donating online, please make checks payable to “UC Regents” and specify “Stanislaus County Master Gardener Program” in the check memo. Then mail or drop off to our office: UC Master Gardeners, 3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A, Modesto, CA 95358.
Your Support
Donations directly benefit the program to help provide scholarships to volunteers that want to enroll in our training program and people who can't afford our workshops. They also help replace computers, create prize wheels for fairs, purchase seeds to give away at events, and pay for other materials needed for outreach and education. We thank you for your support!
Anne and the Classes of 2019, 2020, 2022, and soon-to-be 2024 UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners of Stanislaus County.
Anne Schellman has been the coordinator for the program since 2018.
/h3>/h3>/h3>It's #Giving Tuesday! Have you gained knowledge as a result from meeting our UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners at a library class, outdoor event, or while visiting one of gardens? If so, we hope you will consider making a donation to our program.
Every dollar counts! Your support makes our mission of promoting gardening education in our community possible! Visit https://donate.ucanr.edu/givingtuesday/ and select UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardeners from the drop down window to give today, on #GivingTuesday.
Thank you for considering us when making your year-end, tax deductible donation. (We are a 501 c(3)).
- Author: Anne Schellman
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 28, 2023! Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for you to make a donation to a program that has made a difference in your life.
We invite you to support us in our quest to promote healthier gardens, people, and more sustainable landscapes.
Here are some photos of our UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners in action helping make Stanislaus County a better place.
- Author: Anne Schellman
Please help the UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardener Program reach our goal of raising $5,000 to help fund a pathway and sign for the garden. Today, November 29, 2022 on Giving Tuesday* is a great time to make a contribution, which will be directly reflected in our garden, which you can visit at anytime!
Right now, the garden doesn't look like much. It was just planted this past week, and the drip irrigation was installed. Native plants such as Cleveland sage, coyote bush, penstemon, and ceanothus are just "babies." By this time next year, they will have grown in size and be flowering! We hope to see visiting hummingbirds, bees, moths, butterflies, bumblebees, and YOU!
How to Give
If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out to: UC Regents and send to:
UCCE Stanislaus County Master Gardener Program
3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A
Modesto, CA 95358
Thank you!
*sorry for any confusion, the last post said Nov 28 was giving Tuesday which is incorrect and has been changed.
Anne Schellman has been the UCCE Master Gardener Coordinator for Stanislaus County since 2018.
/h3>/h3>- Author: Anne Schellman
Currently, we are installing demonstration gardens to be used as outdoor classrooms that the public can visit anytime, and we need your help!
Pollinator Garden
Our Pollinator Garden is in the installation stage, and we could not be more thrilled. Currently, the irrigation and native plants are going in. Our Master Gardener volunteers were hard at work leveling, raking, and planting just this week.
A big “thank you” to the West Resource Conservation District that helped us prepare the garden site, and to our local North San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the California Native Plant Society https://nsj.cnps.org/ for purchasing and donating the native plants! Many of these species are unusual and not normally found in the landscape. Although newly planted, everyone is welcome to stop by and visit*.
Your Funds Help Make this Garden Happen
Help make this demonstration garden come to life! Funds will be used to purchase additional plants, tools, and educational signage. Our big funding goal is a decomposed granite walkway. This is a pricey item, which can cost several thousand dollars. The benefits are a pathway accessible to everyone that avoids runoff and allows good drainage.
How to Give
If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out to: UC Regents and send to:
UCC Stanislaus County Master Gardener Program
3800 Cornucopia Way, Ste A
Modesto, CA 95358
Thank you
We look forward to meeting you in the near future in our “outdoor classroom” aka Pollinator Garden for classes on pollinators, California native plants, and how you can support them in your backyard garden, patio, apartment, or classroom.
* Our gardens are located at the Ag Center complex on the corner of Crows Landing and Service Roads in Modesto at 3800 Cornucopia Way, 95358. The Pollinator Garden is on the east side of the Stanislaus building, while the Sensory Garden is on the west side.