- Author: Lucia G. Varela
- Editor: Karen Giovannini
Want to know what bug is making holes in the leaves of you shrub or eating your fruit? Or what is the pesky weed you cannot get rid off? The University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources publications have four sets of Pest Identification cards for you. These pocket-size, sturdy, laminated cards can be easily carried with you as a quick reference wherever you need them. The sets are also available as electronic publications formatted for iOS and Kindle compatible devices.

The Vineyard Pest Identification and Monitoring Card set is the perfect quick reference to stay on top of pest activity in your vineyard. The 50 cards covers 41 common insect pests and mites, 11 diseases, 23 beneficial insects, weeds, and invertebrate pests. Each pest is identified by a description and excellent close-up color photographs with 244 photos in all. On the reverse of each card is a description of the various life stages and monitoring tips. The cards include everything from mealybugs and phylloxera to leafhoppers and Eutypa dieback, all of which have an impact on California vineyards. It also includes descriptions of natural enemies as well as handy inch and metric measurement scales.
These cards are also available as a separate card set, publication #3538, in Spanish. You can purchase each card set alone or in bundles for a price break. The bundles are perfect for vineyard managers and crews.

Each weed is identified by a description and excellent close-up color photographs of various growth stages with 187 photos in all. On the reverse of each card is a description of growth stages, habitat, distribution and management tips. It also includes handy inch and metric measurement scales. A sturdy rivet keeps the set together so individual cards don't go astray.

A new set Pests of the Garden and Small Farm Cards is coming out soon. Stay tuned for its release.
To purchase the card sets or electronic versions, visit the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources publication catalog. Refer to the table below for the publication number.
Or click on the publication number below and the link will take you to that page in the catalog.
Publication name |
Card set Publication |
EPUB for iOS |
MOBI for Kindle |
Landscape Pest ID |
Vineyard Pest ID and Monitoring |
Identificacion de plagas de la vid |
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Weed Pest ID and Monitoring |
Tree Fruit ID |
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Backyard gardeners, if you still cannot identify that weed, bug or problem with your plant, you can always bring a sample to our office. There is a drop box available to leave samples after hours.