- Author: John A Roncoroni
- Posted by: Gale Perez
[From the Spring issue of the UC IPM Retail Nursery & Garden Center News and the Pests in the Urban Landscape blog]
“I hate crabgrass!” is a common lament I've heard from residents during my 35 years in UC Weed Science. However, four out of five times, the weed people are actually referring to is not crabgrass, but bermudagrass or dallisgrass. So why does knowing the name of the weed matter? It...
- Author: Clyde Elmore, Extension Weed Specialist (Emeritus)
- Posted By: Gale Perez
We have all heard that turf grass is competitive to weeds and other plants in the landscape. There are several turf grass types grown in California. In southern California, Bermuda grass is the more common planting though Turf-type tall fesc ue is also used as well as other species to a lesser extent. Smooth and large crabgrass are the most prevalent summer annual grass weeds found in turfgrass in California. Can we devise systems using turf type, renovation (planting) time to establish a competitive, cool season, tall fescue turf and control crabgrass?
Several years ago with graduate student J. Graham Davis, and current farm advisor in Napa County, John Roncoroni, we developed experiments to study this concept. We chose...