UC IPM recently hosted a webinar on rat management presented by Dr. Niamh Quinn. During this webinar attendees were able to ask the expert their burning questions about rats and their management. Below are responses to common questions from the webinar.
To view the recording of this webinar, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuKU6izZozo. Or visit the Pest Notes: Rats fact sheet that was recently revised by Dr. Quinn.
Rat Identification
Q: How do I know whether I have a roof rat or a Norway rat?
/h2>Read Spotted Lanternfly: The Need to Remain Vigilant (part 1) here.
The spotted lanternfly (SLF) is an invasive insect pest first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, with confirmed sightings and/or infestations of SLF now reported in 20 eastern states. SLF is not currently found in California; however, accidental introductions threaten future establishment. From 2022 to the present, there have been 48 interceptions of SLF entering California, with 38 of these found on aircraft during airport inspections. Spotted lanternfly eggs have been intercepted on firewood, metal plates for construction, military equipment, and incoming nursery...
Take the following steps to keep your plants healthy and pest-free this winter. Refer to the UC IPM Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist for more monthly pest management to-dos for your region so you can prevent pests and their damage in the garden and landscape.
Here are some general pest tips for the month of December:
- Clean up fallen fruit and leaves to avoid harboring pests.
- Protect sensitive plants from frost or cold injury when freezing temperatures are predicted.
- Hose aphids off of sturdy plants or apply insecticidal oils and soaps....
Want to learn something new on your lunch break? Join the Urban and Community IPM Webinar Series hosted by UC IPM every third Thursday of the month from 12:00 to 1:00pm. Webinars cover pest identification, prevention, and management around the home, garden, and landscape.
This series is free and open to the public but advance registration is required. We encourage you to share these webinars with anyone who may be interested. Leading up to the live webinar, UC IPM will make a post on Facebook and Instagram that you may use to share the webinar with others. Follow us on social media...
With Thanksgiving approaching, turkeys are on many of our minds. But for those that live in a neighborhood with frequent turkey visitors, you might think of them more often.
Like most creatures, turkeys are not always considered a pest, and some people may even enjoy seeing them. But turkeys can certainly become pests when they dig in landscape beds, create traffic hazards, chase people, and poop on sidewalks, driveways, and in vegetable gardens.
Wild turkeys can quickly become accustomed to people and our urban environments, especially when they are fed (which is illegal). Their management and removal are difficult and often not feasible, so it's best to learn how to live with them.
If turkeys are...