Just a few more weeks of summer remain! As the weather begins to shift, you may need to adjust your landscaping practices to prevent and monitor for fall pests. The UC IPM Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist is a monthly guide to help you avoid common pests of landscape plants.
Here are some general tips for the month of September to prevent pests and their damage in the garden and landscape. Visit the checklist online to see more pest management to-dos for your region.
- Monitor citrus plants for signs of pests such as
Nobody wants cockroaches in their home, especially since these pests can cause and worsen allergies in children, transmit diseases and bacteria, and contaminate foods.
If you find cockroaches in or around your home, do you reach for a do-it-yourself spray product? Well, you might not want to waste your money!
New research shows that some common consumer-grade insecticide sprays don't work to get rid of cockroach infestations. The study focused on products containing pyrethroids, which is a group of pesticides commonly found in many household insecticide products. Examples of...
- Author: Lauren Fordyce
Are you noticing an abundance of cobwebs outside, on plants, fences, homes, or outdoor furniture?
While many people fear spiders or dislike their cobwebs, most spiders are beneficial to have around– even in the home! Spiders are predators of many insect pests and rarely cause harm to people. The only medically significant spiders in California are brown and black widows. While these spiders have the potential to cause harm, it is rare that they will bite, even in areas where they are very common. Like most spiders, they prefer to stay hidden and avoid people.
Some common web-spinning spiders you might encounter outdoors...
- Author: National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)
Acetic acid, also known as vinegar, is used in products for weed control. Many people choose it because it is natural. However, acetic acid can damage skin and eyes, especially at concentrations commonly found in weed killers.
What is the difference between acetic acid, vinegar, and horticultural vinegar?
You may know acetic acid best as vinegar. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid in water. Acetic acid is a naturally occurring substance that is found in all living things. It is formed during fermentation. Acetic acid can also be made industrially. It is used in many industrial processes, including the manufacture of dyes, plastics, some drugs, and other industrial chemicals. It is also used in textile...
- Author: Belinda Messenger-Sikes
Exotic and invasive pests threaten California's natural environments, agricultural production, structures, landscapes and gardens. Exotic pests are organisms introduced into an area beyond their natural range and become pests in the new environment. Most introductions have been unintentional and accidental, but some invasive plant problems began as ornamental plants for sale.
Invasive species prevention is the most economical and desirable approach to invasive species management. However, when prevention isn't successful, pesticides may be needed to eradicate or control invasive species.
What are some problematic invasive species?
Aedes mosquitoes can transmit...