Published on: July 8, 2018

Adult flower or crab spider. (Credit: Jack Kelly Clark)
When you see spiders in your garden, you may wonder if they can hurt you or your pets. The good news is, most spiders are not likely to bite or cause lasting harm if they do. Plus, they provide natural pest control! Here are a few spiders commonly found in gardens and landscapes:
Garden spiders or orb weavers spin funnel-shaped webs that cover plants or soil. This spider waits for prey to touch its web and then consumes it.
Crab or flower spiders look like tiny crabs. They use their enlarged front legs to stalk or hunt their prey.
Focus Areas:
Tags: black widow (4), control (64), crab (1), garden (57), harmless (1), jumping (1), lynx (1), orb (1), pest (177), poisonous (3), spider (15), UC IPM (373), weaver (1), webs (2), wolf (1)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
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