Take the following steps to keep your plants healthy and pest-free this winter. Refer to the UC IPM Seasonal Landscape IPM Checklist for more monthly pest management to-dos for your region so you can prevent pests and their damage in the garden and landscape.
Here are some general pest tips for the month of December:
- Clean up fallen fruit and leaves to avoid harboring pests.
- Protect sensitive plants from frost or cold injury when freezing temperatures are predicted.
- Hose aphids off of sturdy plants or apply insecticidal oils and soaps....
Controlling weeds can be challenging to landscape professionals or home gardeners since landscapes often include a mix of turfgrass, annual plants, herbaceous perennials, shrubs, and trees.
The newly revised publication Pest Notes: Weed Management in Landscapes by Area IPM Advisor Cheryl Wilen, presents an integrated approach to weed management to help ensure weed control efforts are effective, environmentally-sound and economical. This science-based publication includes information on methods such as pre-planting considerations, the importance of weed identification, nonchemical practices such as using mulches and barriers, weed management...
If you have gophers eating plants in your garden or landscape, you'll want to watch this brand new video about the Gophinator trap from UC IPM.
The Gophinator is a highly successful method for catching gophers. The video has easy-to-follow instructions on how to use and set the trap. Watch the video here!
For other information on gophers management including how to exclude them and other control methods, see the UC IPM Pest Note: Gophers.