- Author: Pamela Kan-Rice
Scientists from 25 countries will gather on the Monterey Peninsula to discuss “Plants and the Changing Environment” in June. The 9th Air Pollution and Global Change Symposium will be held June 8-12 at the Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove.
The goal of the series is to consider interactions of air pollution and global change and their impacts on vegetation.
“The symposium is unique in dealing with effects at all levels from molecular and cellular mechanisms, whole plant and crop impacts, all the way up to models of ecosystem and regional impacts,” said David A. Grantz, UC Cooperative Extension specialist based in the Department of Botany & Plant Sciences at UC Riverside.
The symposia are held every few years in different countries, the last in Groningen, The Netherlands, in 2011. The event in California is being organized by Grantz and Kent O. Burkey, USDA/ARS plant physiologist and North Carolina State University professor of crop science and botany in Raleigh.
UC scientists and students engaged in research on the interactions of plant function, metabolism and communities with environmental pollution and global change are encouraged to attend.
“This is an important opportunity for U.S. scientists because the last time this symposium was held in the U.S. was in 1992,” said Grantz. “This is a great chance to catch up on the physiological ecology and modeling efforts underway in Europe and Asia.”
The confirmed keynote speakers include
- Dennis Baldocchi, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Lisa Emberson, Stockholm Environment Institute and University of York, U.K.
- Lisa Ainsworth, USDA/ARS and University of Illinois, USA
- Koike Takayoshi, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Harry Harmens, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Environment Centre Wales, U.K.
- Allen Lefohn, ASL and Associates, USA
- Atul Jain, University of Illinois, USA
- Rainer Matyssek, Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany
The deadline for abstracts, registration and lodging is March 31. The agenda, registration and housing information can be found at WWW.APGC.EU.