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News and information from UC Cooperative Extension about alfalfa and forage production.
Tractor & Hay bales
by Bill Wilson
on October 17, 2014 at 1:42 PM
Vonny M. Barlow & Larry Godfrey  
Is there any residual Hairy Peruvian alfalfa around?  
This was a popular alfalfa here in Central Texas during the 1950's. The name would suggest a GH variety.
by Vonny M. Barlow
on November 7, 2014 at 1:55 PM
Hairy Peruvian is an old landrace originating from Peru (not surprisingly). It’s relatively non-dormant and was grown in California as well. It is not a glandular haired variety, but does have non-glandular hairs that minimize leafhopper feeding.
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